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I grew up in Orange County, without a team. I never affiliated myself with the Chargers, south of me, or the Raiders, north of me. I’ve always followed the Dallas Cowboys. I’ve been a huge fan since the early 90s.  (Fan Quotes) I’m pretty crazy about the Yankees. When I can’t actually watch a game, I TiVo it. I am also a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I don’t tell many people that because I will get made fun on because I’m from New Jersey!  (Fan Quotes) I’m a big fan of Daniel Day-Lewis. He’s a marvelous actor. He stands alone, I think.  (Fan Quotes) Oh my goodness me, Daniel Day-Lewis - huge, huge fan of his. I’ve always loved his philosophy on acting: he always talks about returning to a state of play.  (Fan Quotes) When I was a wee little kid, I used to watch ‘Dark Shadows’ all the time, so I was a Barnabas Collins fan.  (Fan Quotes) There’s such a fan base for ‘Dark Shadows’. I remember watching the show as a kid, but I wasn’t an ardent fan. I didn’t run home from school to watch it.  (Fan Quotes) I am a fan of the true crime and horror genres! So, I’ve got a dark side too.  (Fan Quotes) I was dating a guy that was a huge wrestling fan and I’m embarrassed to say it now but I used to make fun of him for watching it.  (Fan Quotes) I didn’t know much about him, and I wasn’t a big country music fan. I listened to the Beatles and David Bowie, so I didn’t know a lot about him.  (Fan Quotes) It’s fun to look at people that are so good at acting that aren’t actors, like David Bowie creating a mystique about rock n’ roll. I’ve listened to ‘Ziggy Stardust’ as much as any rock n’ roll fan - I don’t really know what it’s about, but it sure is fun to think about David Bowie as this mad creation.  (Fan Quotes) I’ve spent three hours with Snoop Dogg, talking about how he loved [Peaky Blinders series]. And David Bowie loved it. The late Leonard Cohen was a fan. It struck a chord with various people that I didn’t think it would.  (Fan Quotes) I really wanted to work with David Lynch. I was a big fan of The Elephant Man and Eraserhead.  (Fan Quotes) I like David Lynch; I like Stanley Kubrick. I’m a big fan of Kubrick.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a De Niro fan. I went eleven years without seeing a movie; the last one before that, February 1980, was De Niro and Scorsese in ‘Raging Bull,’ and when I went back, it was ‘Cape Fear,’ with De Niro and Scorsese. I picked up right where I left off at.  (Fan Quotes) Robert de Niro has always been fascinating to me. And if John Cazale were still alive, that would be a man I’d love to work with. I’m a big fan of Paul Thomas Anderson’s films - I would be honored to work with him. I think he’s a brilliant director, and he gets such compelling stories out of his actors and out of his crew.  (Fan Quotes) Growing up, I was a huge fan of horror movies. There’s nothing more fun than going into a movie with a smile because you know you’re going to be scared to death. There’s something thrilling about sitting there waiting for a scare to happen.  (Fan Quotes) Toonami was a tremendous vehicle, delivering the art of Japanese animation to a massive audience that may have otherwise never experienced it. I feel an immense debt of gratitude to everyone involved with the show and to every fan who supported it.  (Fan Quotes) I’m not a big fan of identity politics and sort of picking one thing and defining yourself with it.  (Fan Quotes) I’m the biggest sports fan there is, I love sports, but I’m still convinced that it’s teachers who deserve the big salaries, not athletes.  (Fan Quotes) The fan is the one who suffers. He cheers a guy to a .350 season then watches that player sign with another team. When you destroy fan loyalties, you destroy everything.  (Fan Quotes) I grew up a Detroit Tigers fan, and now to be an owner of the Dodgers is amazing  (Fan Quotes) Even before coming into the industry, I was a big fan of Motown, the Jackson 5, Gladys Knight, the Temptations, Diana Ross and The Supremes.  (Fan Quotes) My favorite sport is football. I’m a die hard Steelers fan. Favorite players were Hines Ward and Greg Lloyd.  (Fan Quotes) I’m not recognized very often, and if I am, it’s a die-hard Veronica Mars fan. Which is usually flattering and an honor. I really try not to think about it.  (Fan Quotes) I come from West London. I support a football team there called Queens Park Rangers, whom I’d like to give a shout-out to. I’m a die-hard Rangers fan. I think that I would always hopefully have a strong connection to and live in London, because it’s a brilliant city.  (Fan Quotes) I respect people that are die-hard film people, but I started on video. I started on Hi8 video and mini-DV, and I made skate videos. So, I love film, and I love the way it looks, but I also love the way crappy video looks, or VHS. I’ve always been a fan of whatever the look is that’s appropriate for what the feeling is.  (Fan Quotes) I’ve always been a fan of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. I like working with larger-than-life characters in fascinating worlds - places where the rules are different.  (Fan Quotes) I just know that I’m a fan of all different kinds of genres. You’re supposed to be free doing music, and that’s how I feel.  (Fan Quotes) I like many different kinds of music. My favourite band is Radiohead, and I’m also a giant Jeff Buckley fan.  (Fan Quotes) I listen to a lot of different music. I love hip-hop. I’m a big underground rap fan. I listen to the likes of J. Cole. Lately, I’ve also been getting into techno house music. And I’ve been on an Eighties retro kick, and I’ve even been experimenting with some rock.  (Fan Quotes)
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