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I am not a fan of referencing your own work when it’s in a different universe than what you’re doing. That, to me, is a wink at the audience, and winking isn’t actually cool when you’re not, like, 10.  (Fan Quotes) I am extremely passionate about digital media and as a longtime user and fan of Yahoo!  (Fan Quotes) I’ll say it, I love working with actors, I’m a fan of actors. They bring so much, and they can also break a movie, but when it works I give it all to the actors. I’ll say it, I think that ‘The Transporter’ is great not because of my direction, it really is great because Jason Statham was great in it.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a huge Dirty Dancing fan. I feel like I should be reading [William] Shakespeare, but I’m watching Baby not be in a corner.  (Fan Quotes) I’ve always just loved drawing and loved cartoons. Growing up, I loved Disney films, I loved The Simpsons, and I was a big fan of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes and the way that they would have weird fantasy and then down-to-earth funny character comedy.  (Fan Quotes) My dad was a big Frank Zappa fan, so I remember listening to a lot of Frank Zappa. Girls do not like Frank Zappa.  (Fan Quotes) I know what ‘Doctor Who’ fans are like because I am a ‘Doctor Who’ fan myself. They’re good people.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a huge ‘Vampire Diaries’ fan. My sister got me into ‘Doctor Who.’ Those are my biggest things.  (Fan Quotes) I was so thrilled to be in ‘Doctor Who.’ It’s such a wonderful experience, and the fan base that that show has never fails to surprise me.  (Fan Quotes) Even though I am a lifelong ‘Doctor Who’ fan, I’ve not played him since I was nine. I downloaded old scripts and practised those in front of the mirror.  (Fan Quotes) I am a particular fan of integrative exercise - that is, exercise that occurs in the course of doing some productive activity such as gardening, bicycling to work, doing home improvement projects and so on.  (Fan Quotes) Some of the best fan mail I get are from our men and women in the military and intelligence communities. They say, ‘Boy you do your homework, this is exactly how we’re doing it.’  (Fan Quotes) I have six brothers, so I definitely was aware of Marvel more than I was of princesses, but once you’re cast in a Joss Whedon Marvel show, you go and become even more of a bigger fan. You do your homework.  (Fan Quotes) I’m bi everything; sexual, coastal, political, controversial. I think if you find your comfortable sexual preference then that’s excellent. Everybody knows that I’m a huge fan of gay men and drag queens and would not be who I am today without their help, support and make-up tips.  (Fan Quotes) To make a kung fu film is like a dream come true, because I’m a big fan of kung fu movies and I’m learning kung fu for a long time.  (Fan Quotes) I have been a sports fan my whole life. To be able to talk about sports in an intelligent, journalistic fashion and to do things of a serious nature is a dream job.  (Fan Quotes) Sometimes in a restaurant you’ll see a lady dressed very nice, she picks up a menu or something... a little fan is always a little bit nice.  (Fan Quotes) My mom always told me drinking water was the most important skin care tip. I also think the less you do to your skin the better. I’m a fan of simple and natural products.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a very big fan of winter-flowering shrubs and bulbs. You have the smell, you have the color - it’s really like a present from God when something like that is in flower in the middle of the snow.  (Fan Quotes) I love how Duran Duran had the female fan base, then it grew until males started to like them, too  (Fan Quotes) I was a huge Muppet fan growing up. I want to bring it back to the early 80s Muppet movies, when the scripts could have been performed by humans.  (Fan Quotes) I begin early in the morning and edit everything I wrote the previous day. I write until mid-afternoon. My goal is to write a chapter per week, and if I am not finished by Friday, I write on the weekend. I get a lot of fan emails and answer them every day. In the late afternoon, I attend to the business of publishing, etc.  (Fan Quotes) I write back to every fan who writes me, which is kind of a full-time job in some regards ‘cause I don’t want people to wait too long . So I get up very early in the morning and try to rip through all of them. I pretty much sleep four hours a night. Then I’m constantly writing and doing short Halloween films for my web site. I’m definitely busy.  (Fan Quotes) I like the cold; I don’t have problem with cold, and I don’t have problem with rain either, as long as people are smiling. You know, early in my career, I used to wonder about this fan frenzy, but now I realize that there is genuine love, respect and affection, which makes me very proud to be an actor.  (Fan Quotes) I had been an abject fan of Robert Stone since the early eighties, when I borrowed a copy of ‘A Flag for Sunrise’ to read on a plane to Rome. I was twenty-something, with a first novel under my belt.  (Fan Quotes) Eating healthy is a constant battle. I love chips. I’m a huge pasta fan.  (Fan Quotes) I took the obligatory economics classes in school, but I’ve long been a fan of the Milton Friedman philosophy and its libertarian bent: One must be free to do what one wants to do, as long as you don’t harm another. This is the seminal treatise on free-market economics.  (Fan Quotes) I grew up listening to the Beatles and being an ardent Beatles fan when I was in third grade all the way to adulthood, and listening to all kinds of music that came to us either at the flea market or in our living rooms or on the ‘Ed Sullivan’ show - all these places we were influenced by.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a big fan of music, I’m a student of music, and I just wanna learn and keep enhancing my education about the music.  (Fan Quotes) For a rich and reasonably successful guy, it is impossible not to enjoy your job; otherwise, why would you spend so much time and effort doing it? I am a great fan of Norilsk, and I like this kind of challenge.  (Fan Quotes)
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