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I’m a big, big blues fan and the last several years I’ve really invested in the blues a lot, and I think my playing is getting better because of it - not necessarily better on a technical level, but certainly on a level of appropriateness.  (Fan Quotes) I haven’t sworn off Facebook. I’m on Facebook. There’s a fan page on Facebook that I will update, but I’m on there myself under a pseudonym, because there were a lot of people able to private-message me on Facebook, and it was getting really weird.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a big fan of the Queen. She carries herself well, as does the Prince of Wales, despite getting lots of stick.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a huge fan of ghost stories, that sort of slow build, the suspense and the questioning about whether you’re imagining something or if it’s real.  (Fan Quotes) Jessie J is a great, great girl. I’m a friend and have always been a fan of hers. I’m happy to see her doing her thing.  (Fan Quotes) My biggest pet peeve are just girls who go to sports bars who have no intention on caring what teams are playing, like they’re looking for just a night out. That drives me more crazy than anything else. Like, don’t pretend to be a sports fan.  (Fan Quotes) I think when you’re a fan of music - at least the way I’ve been a fan to artists that have really touched me - you’re with them for the long haul. They might do things that you don’t understand or agree with, but I think I’ve always tried to hold my judgment and give them the space to do what they need to do.  (Fan Quotes) Damages’ was cool. It brought me back to New York for a little while, so that was a lot of fun, and I was obviously very excited about the opportunity to work with Rose Byrne and Glenn Close. I’d been a fan of that show before I started working on it.  (Fan Quotes) A fan can only go as far as you let them. I’ve seen crazy things like girls having me autograph their body and then they go get it tattooed. I guess that’s too far, but it’s cool with me.  (Fan Quotes) We only had a couple of ways for people to hate us on ‘X-Files,’ including still writing actual fan letters. Now people can instantly tell you, ‘Oh my God, I love you,’ or ‘Oh my God, you are the worst person on the planet.’ They actually had to hate you enough or love you enough to write a letter, put a stamp on it and send it.  (Fan Quotes) To me, Joss Whedon is a God. I’m just a huge fan of his work; I love his work on TV.  (Fan Quotes) Don’t let the bastards get you down. Christians aren’t God. Religious people aren’t God. God loves you, just where you’re at... just the way you are, no matter what you’ve done. God loves you whether you love him or not and there’s nothing you can do about it. As far as the negative and judgmental stuff goes, realize that Jesus has a crappy fan club. Just don’t give up  (Fan Quotes) I definitely have an eye on doing more work in features and playing different characters, but I am also a big fan of going on vacation and playing golf and going to the beach. With anything, it’s about finding the balance.  (Fan Quotes) I’m that person who owns all of the seasons on DVDs, including the Lifetime intimate portraits showcasing The Golden Girls. I am a massive fan. I think I’m Dorothy. She’s my favorite.  (Fan Quotes) I am a huge, huge fan of the plain white tee. A good-fitting, vintage plain white t-shirt, like the ‘boyfriend shirt’, is the sexiest thing a girl can wear. It goes with anything, fancy or casual.  (Fan Quotes) I was in college in the sixties when movies really got good. I’m a fan of Bergman and Hitchcock and Polanski and Antonioni. Those are my gods.  (Fan Quotes) I’ve never been a Clinton fan. He’s had some accomplishments, and he’s very skilled at politics, but, you know, he’s had some successes and a very good economy. And the question is how much or how little of that does he deserve credit for.  (Fan Quotes) I would date a fan, I don’t have a problem with that. I look for a good sense of humour in a girlfriend.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a big fan of good grades. But I am going to suggest to you that you will find that the skills of a student are of somewhat less use to you once you get out into what is sometimes referred to as ‘the real world.’  (Fan Quotes) My grandmother is a huge Hawkeyes fan, so I, by proxy, have to be one. I’m more of a professional sports fan, and I’ve never been a huge college fan, but because of my grandmother, I’ve gotten into a lot of really good Hawkeye games. So, because I’m a good grandson, I’m a Hawkeye fan.  (Fan Quotes) The fan support isn’t the biggest but they’re very loyal and very supportive. It’s a very good group of fans and I enjoy playing in front of them.  (Fan Quotes) I’m more a fan of old-school films with really interesting stories and good performances. That’s what I’d like to do.  (Fan Quotes) That’s not part of me that I have to do something dark to prove to people that I’m an actor. The fuel for me is the laugh. Maybe later I’ll want to show people the darker side... But right now, I’m having too much fan making people laugh. And it really makes me feel good.  (Fan Quotes) I would love to share the screen with Meryl Streep, wouldn’t we all? I would love to work with Spielberg and Scorsese; that would be lovely. I’m also a huge fan of Johnny Depp and the way he creates his characters, so that would be fun. I mean, any of the greats, really.  (Fan Quotes) I am a Graham Greene fan - I’m just a ferocious reader. I read an awful lot when I get the time.  (Fan Quotes) I love soccer, love tennis... Roger Federer has been a favourite for a long, long time. The kind of consistency he has shown, 16 Grand Slam titles... The way he handles himself in pressure situations is admirable... He is so calm... In soccer, I’m a huge fan of Barcelona... I like watching Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and David Villa.  (Fan Quotes) One reason I’ve never been a fan of graphic novels is because a central aspect of literature for me has always been imagining what the things I’m reading about look like.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a fan and a friend, I met them in 1974 when I first joined the NBA and my life has never been he same since. I became the basketball player I was because of the Grateful Dead.  (Fan Quotes) I love talking about acting. I’m just such a fan of actors and filmmakers, and I try to choose roles where I get to talk to great actors about acting and learn.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a huge wrestling fan. Wrestlers have so many great qualities that athletes need to have.  (Fan Quotes)
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