Fantasy Quotes

Text Quotes
Half of what I write is imaginative reality. The other half is realized impossibilities. Blended into one, these make a fantasy. (Fantasy Quotes)
It is my opinion that the isolated mind loses its purchase on reality all too easily and becomes prone to fantasy. (Fantasy Quotes)
Some books mirror reality while others are entirely fantasy. My favorite are those that manage to weave both into a world. (Fantasy Quotes)
You are my reality, fantasy, daydream, fairytale, music, more than the princess in Cinderella; you are much more than a traditional myth. (Fantasy Quotes)
Reality must prove itself again and again to questioners ... it is the fantasy which goes on without contradiction, without having to prove itself. (Fantasy Quotes)
In fantasy the world is always adapting to you, in reality you are always adapting to the world. That is the only difference. (Fantasy Quotes)
We all have this fantasy of finding our one true love who’s going to be the perfect fit. It’s just not a reality. (Fantasy Quotes)
I don’t play fantasy baseball anymore now because it’s too much work, and I feel like I have to hold myself up to such a high standard. I’m pretty serious about my fantasy football, though. (Fantasy Quotes)
It was the baseball fantasy of a lifetime - to be able to sit on the bench with all those professional athletes. I got to take my son along because I wasn’t sure I would be able to play with them. (Fantasy Quotes)
The thing with ‘The West Wing’ is that the fantasy was legitimately better than the reality - these were smarter, better people than their real-life counterparts, working together at a better White House than the one we had. (Fantasy Quotes)
I have this fantasy. I’m walking past a bookshop and I click my fingers and all my books go blank. So I can start again and get it right. (Fantasy Quotes)
As for genre, my adult books are usually filed under science fiction / fantasy, although some stores put them into romance, and few have stuck them into horror. I consider all my books a mix of steampunk and urban fantasy. (Fantasy Quotes)
A lot of people have read the Mira Grant books who are not urban fantasy readers, and they would never have picked up a book with an urban fantasist’s name on the cover, but then they go on to read my urban fantasy and like it. (Fantasy Quotes)
When you realize my best selling books are ‘Owl Moon,’ the ‘How Do Dinosaur’ books, and ‘Devil’s Arithmetic,’ how can the public make sense of that! I have fans who think I only write picture books or only write SF and fantasy. I have fanatics of my poetry and are stunned to find out I write prose, too! (Fantasy Quotes)
Sex scenes in books are always like first person, from this male perspective and just about how awesome he is. It feels like such a fantasy. (Fantasy Quotes)
My favorite water cooler topic is fantasy football. I used to make fun of friends for doing it and now I’m obsessed. (Fantasy Quotes)
I get excited when fantasy football season’s coming. This guy gets excited when war season’s coming. (Fantasy Quotes)
My fantasy football team got mixed up in another fantasy and now they’re stuck on a pirate ship with a chick in a Catwoman suit. (Fantasy Quotes)
I do get invitations all of the time to play actual fantasy football, by the way, but I get the feeling that I’d like it too much. I have enough demands on my time. My fans would kill me. (Fantasy Quotes)
I went in and auditioned for one of the main guys for ‘The League’ when it was first casting, and I was so excited because I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is my life!’ I love fantasy football, and I play with my buddies, and my wife is frustrated with it. (Fantasy Quotes)
I played one year of fantasy football in high school. You really get into it. It makes more fans of the NFL, and people love talking about it. They’ll come up to me and say, ‘Why did you throw an interception? You ruined my fantasy team!’ Or they’re happy because they got you for a bargain. (Fantasy Quotes)
I’ve been involved with Fantasy Football for more than 10 years now, and I’ll keep competing each year as long as I’m still having fun. I like to play sports, and I like to compete, but I also have a wife and three daughters. This lets me stay involved with the sport I love and still spend quality time with my family too. (Fantasy Quotes)
Although I may not know a lot about football, I do know a lot about food! As a result, not many people ask me to join their fantasy leagues, but they will come to me for suggestions on what to serve for guests for a weekly Sunday get-together. (Fantasy Quotes)
I think fantasy literature is the one true literature of hope and imagination (Fantasy Quotes)
There have been a number of us working very, very hard to bring myth and fairy tales into public consciousness, through fantasy literature and other media. I hope we’re succeeding in some small way. (Fantasy Quotes)
Fantasy is my genre and my home in the writing world. I consider it the biggest writing room in all literature, where there are literally no boundaries at all. (Fantasy Quotes)
I feel that good fantasy will always be in demand. I think children especially need literature that helps them escape from the real world, which is very scary to them right now. (Fantasy Quotes)
Science fiction is the ugly stepchild of mainstream literature, and fantasy is the ugly stepchild of science fiction, and tie-in novels are the ugly stepchild of fantasy... and on and on and on. (Fantasy Quotes)
Fantasy is not the literature of subversion of the status quo but of ‘awakening to’ the status quo. (Fantasy Quotes)
They seek neither truth nor likelihood; they seek astonishment. They think metaphysics is a branch of the literature of fantasy (Fantasy Quotes)