Far Less Quotes

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It’s ridiculous that we continue to incarcerate anyone for using a substance that actually causes far less damage than alcohol. No one goes out looking for fights on marijuana. No one dies from marijuana intoxication. And no one should be jailed for possessing marijuana (Far Less Quotes)
I... began my career as a wireless amateur. After 43 years in radio, I do not mind confessing that I am still an amateur. Despite many great achievements in the science of radio and electronics, what we know today is far less than what we have still to learn (Far Less Quotes)
Very handsome women have usually far less sensibility to compliments than their less beautiful sisters (Far Less Quotes)
Comedy is a wonderful device for distance that allows us to look at what we’re talking about with some degree of distance and hopefully with a bit more perspective and honesty. With many exceptions, a movie with no jokes is far less appealing to me (Far Less Quotes)
I love doing short films because they’re much more intimate and there’s far less waiting around than on the bigger films (Far Less Quotes)
The real problem has far less to do with what is really out there than it does with our resistance to finding out what is really out there (Far Less Quotes)
My sister is a public school teacher. She makes far far less money than I do, and gets almost no public attention for her work. Yet I believe what she does is infinitely more important and more difficult than what I do (Far Less Quotes)
Selfish people are, by definition, those whose activities are devoted to bringing themselves happiness. Yet... these selfish people are far less likely to be happy than those whose efforts are devoted to making others happy (Far Less Quotes)
Directing was a natural thing for me. Actually, it was far less stressful directing than being the lead actor. I was able to have my input in all aspects of it (Far Less Quotes)
The nature of our intelligence is such that it is stimulated far less by the will to know than by the will to understand (Far Less Quotes)
Depression comes back over time in about 90 percent of people on antidepressants. Studies show that relapses are far less common when people are treated with psychotherapy (Far Less Quotes)
I’m one of the most durable and fervent advocates of space exploration, but my take is that we could do it robotically at far less cost and far greater quantity and quality of results (Far Less Quotes)
I do not like new things of any kind, not even a new gown, far less a new acquaintance, therefore make as few as possible; one can but have one’s heart and hands full, and mine are. I have love and work enough to last me the rest of my life (Far Less Quotes)
If men would consider not so much wherein they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling in the world (Far Less Quotes)
In painting, the most brilliant colors, spread at random and without design, will give far less pleasure than the simplest outline of a figure (Far Less Quotes)
What’s great in the modern world is that it’s becoming easier and easier for people to create without having access to large sums of money. They need access to certain technologies, but the cost is far less than it used to be (Far Less Quotes)
I don’t remember ever feeling lonely; in fact, on the rare occasions when I met other children I found their games and their talk far less interesting than the adventures and dialogues I read in my books (Far Less Quotes)
Of the two hundred bones in the human body, more than a quarter are in the foot. It is a more complicated instrument than an automobile transmission, and it is treated with far less consideration (Far Less Quotes)
What then is the intellectual advantage of civilization over primitive savagery? It is not necessarily that each civilized man has more knowledge but that he requires far less (Far Less Quotes)
No doubt you are right... there would be far less suffering amongst mankind if men... did not employ their imaginations so assiduously in recalling the memory of past sorrow, instead of bearing their present lot with equanimity (Far Less Quotes)
Too many of us take great pains with what we ingest through our mouths, and far less with what we partake of through our ears and eyes (Far Less Quotes)
You are far less likely to soil your pants and cry for your mother if you’re prepared to defend yourself (Far Less Quotes)
Evils in the journey of life are like the hills which alarm travelers upon their road; they both appear great at a distance, but when we approach them we find that they are far less insurmountable than we had conceived (Far Less Quotes)
You may not believe in evolution, and that is all right. How we humans came to be the way we are is far less important than how we should act now to get out of the mess we have made for ourselves (Far Less Quotes)
My change from girl to boy was far less dramatic than the distance anybody travels from infancy to adulthood (Far Less Quotes)
Just as lavishness leads easily to presumption, so does frugality to meanness. But meanness is a far less serious fault than presumption (Far Less Quotes)
Children, savages and true believers remember far less what they have seen than what they have heard (Far Less Quotes)
All the higher, more penetrating ideals are revolutionary. They present themselves far less in the guise of effects of past experience than in that of probable causes of future experience, factors to which the environment and the lessons it has so far taught us must learn to bend (Far Less Quotes)
We have penetrated far less deeply into the regularities obtaining within the realm of living things, but deeply enough nevertheless to sense at least the rule of fixed necessity... what is still lacking here is a grasp of the connections of profound generality, but not a knowledge of order itself (Far Less Quotes)
The idea that a book can advise a woman how to capture a man is touchingly naive. Books advising men how to capture a woman are far less common, perhaps because few men are willing to admit to such a difficulty. For both sexes, I recommend a good novel, offering scenarios you might learn from, if only because they reflect a lot of doubt (Far Less Quotes)