Far Out Quotes

Text Quotes
I was brought up to never lie. Sure, I have. But in the final mix, the lies I’ve told are far outweighed by the truths I’ve lived (Far Out Quotes)
What we find is that if you have a goal that is very, very far out, and you approach it in little steps, you start to get there faster. Your mind opens up to the possibilities (Far Out Quotes)
It’s all risk. And if it isn’t, it needs to be. The real trick is to find the risk that is right for you, a risk that doesn’t take you so far out of your own identity that it’s not a you that you recognize who’s doing the writing (Far Out Quotes)
I enjoy pushing my characters to the limit. No matter how far out there I go, I look for things that make the characters human (Far Out Quotes)
Mystery is an inescapable ingredient of mathematics. Mathematics is full of unanswered questions, which far outnumber known theorems and results. It’s the nature of mathematics to pose more problems than it can solve. Indeed, mathematics itself may be built on small islands of truth comprising the pieces of mathematics that can be validated by relatively short proofs. All else is speculation (Far Out Quotes)
Humour is the most engaging cowardice. With it myself I have been able to hold some of my enemy in play far out of gunshot (Far Out Quotes)
Each marriage bears the footprints of economic and cultural trends which originate far outside marriage (Far Out Quotes)
Hasn’t anyone thought to look at outcomes as a logical way to figure out what really works? Not until recently. That tells you how far out of the picture the patient has been (Far Out Quotes)
It’s like a novelist writing far out things. If it makes a point and makes sense, then people like to read that. But if it’s off in left field and goes over the edge, you lose it. The same with musical talent, I think (Far Out Quotes)
Usually I like to improvise. Sometimes, depending on the nature of the piece, I like to improvise because I think it brings certain freshness and a reality to it, as long as it doesn’t go too far out of the box (Far Out Quotes)
I’ve created several musical trends, really. That’s not because I’m so far out and fabulous. It’s because most bands have no ideas of their own. They’re so desperate they’ll grab at any old straw (Far Out Quotes)
Coming from where I came from, it was unimaginable to ever be wealthy. That was just too far out of my reach (Far Out Quotes)
She had the perpetual sense, as she watched the taxi cabs, of being out, out, far out to sea and alone; she always had the feeling that it was very, very, dangerous to live even one day (Far Out Quotes)
... every sight and sound inspiring, leading one far out of himself, yet feeding and building up his individuality (Far Out Quotes)
Now I felt like I was drifting, sucked down by an undertow, and too far out to swim back to the shore (Far Out Quotes)
There are infinite worlds both like and unlike this world of ours. For the atoms being infinite in number... are borne on far out into space (Far Out Quotes)
We can guarantee cash benefits as far out and at whatever size you like, but we cannot guarantee their purchasing power (Far Out Quotes)
Cry within. Meditate within. Dive within. Your inner achievements will far outweigh your outer imperfections (Far Out Quotes)
Anything too far out of tune with our attitude is lost, either in the ears themselves or somewhere beyond, but it is lost (Far Out Quotes)
How simple the writing of literature would be if it were only necessary to write in another way what has been well written. It is because we have had such great writers in the past that a writer is driven far out past where he can go, out to where no one can help him (Far Out Quotes)
The deepest hunger in life is a secret that is revealed only when a person is willing to unlock a hidden part of the self. In the ancient traditions of wisdom, this quest has been likened to diving for the most precious pearl in existence, a poetic way of saying that you have to swim far out beyond shallow waters, plunge deep into yourself, and search patiently until the pearl beyond price is found (Far Out Quotes)
Nobody heard him, the dead man, but still he lay moaning. I was much further out than you thought, and not waving but drowning. I was much too far out all my life, and not waving but drowning (Far Out Quotes)
Sometimes, if you really want to try something original, you step a little too far out of bounds. I mean, there’s a market force that kind of unconsciously keeps you in line a little bit (Far Out Quotes)
When you’re looking that far out, you’re giving people their place in the universe, it touches people. Science is often visual, so it doesn’t need translation. It’s like poetry, it touches you (Far Out Quotes)