Far Quotes

Text Quotes
I suspect that writer’s block afflicts mainly people who have some stable and ample source of income outside of writing. So far it hasn’t been a problem (Far Quotes)
When you retire you want to get as far away as possible from the game for a couple of years (Far Quotes)
Everyone, left to his own devices, forms an idea about what goes on in language which is very far from the truth (Far Quotes)
My kids are not known, and I think that is very important. So far they have lived a normal life, and will continue to do so. I feel they should have the possibility to live a free life without the burden of fame I have created (Far Quotes)
The 20th century taught us how far unbridled evil can and will go when the world fails to confront it. It is time that we heed the lessons of the 20th century and stand up to these murderers. It is time that we end genocide in the 21st century (Far Quotes)
I love research. I’d go so far as to say I’m a research fanatic (Far Quotes)
As far as pleasures, you’ve got to have limits. You shouldn’t have too much of good things, so you’ll always have a desire for more and you won’t get bored (Far Quotes)
We’ve played with a lot of confidence and that’s been the key so far. Hopefully, we can take more confidence into the playoffs (Far Quotes)
While I am interested both in economics and in philosophy, the union of my interests in the two fields far exceeds their intersection (Far Quotes)
I believe that dance communicates man’s deepest, highest and most truly spiritual thoughts and emotions far better than words, spoken or written (Far Quotes)
As far as the mechanics go, working with other people on received ideas was for me a very interesting technical problem. I can’t say that any of my collaborations engaged my heart, but they engaged the craftsman in me (Far Quotes)
Of the seven experiments, the ones that have been most investigated so far have been the pets. The dogs who know when their masters for coming home, and the sense of being stared at (Far Quotes)
As far as a cocktail, I do like good wines, basically with meals, and good champagnes (Far Quotes)
The tender heart, the broken and contrite spirit, are to me far above all the joys that I could ever hope for in this vale of tears (Far Quotes)
I love living. I have some problems with my life, but living is the best thing they’ve come up with so far (Far Quotes)
If you live for your children, they may be smitten down and leave you desolate, or, what is far worse, they may desert you and leave you worse than childless in a cold and unfeeling world (Far Quotes)
It takes a little work to be a vegan, but now it’s really possible to have tasty stuff and it’s better for you. I say the best test is go as far as you can and see how you feel. Personally, I feel great (Far Quotes)
No one yet knows what a man’s province is, and how far that province, as conceived of today, is artificial (Far Quotes)
The history of the past interests us only in so far as it illuminates the history of the present (Far Quotes)
God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road (Far Quotes)
When I was a young man, I was a baritone, very far from possessing the whole range of the tenor then (Far Quotes)
A lot of actors get concerned about their own image, even going so far as to rewrite a movie to best serve that image. All I want to do is be in good movies (Far Quotes)
I loved to read, but I always thought that the dream was too far away. The person who had written the book was a God, it wasn’t a person (Far Quotes)
I never think too far into the future. I’m too busy thinking about tomorrow’s news (Far Quotes)
In the light of our culture, these are not unreasonable questions and tactics, but if once again, we try to see the lens through which we look, we can see that there is far too great an emphasis placed on the future (Far Quotes)
I could never live a nonproductive life and I feel that I have lived a productive life as far as I want to in terms of this company that I have for so many years (Far Quotes)
However, the difficulties and pleasures of the writing itself are similar for a novel with a historical setting and a novel with a contemporary setting, as far as I’m concerned (Far Quotes)
My sole focus as far back as I can remember was all about my dream to become a singer (Far Quotes)
I might be needy, competitive and desperate but it’s far better than being wet (Far Quotes)
It is one thing for the human mind to extract from the phenomena of nature the laws which it has itself put into them; it may be a far harder thing to extract laws over which it has no control. It is even possible that laws which have not their origin in the mind may be irrational, and we can never succeed in formulating them (Far Quotes)