Fascinated Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m just interested in serialization in fiction. I’m fascinated by it. I love the 19th-century novels. I’m interested in ways to bring that back to fiction. (Fascinated Quotes)
I love life. I’m fascinated by human behavior because that feeds back into my work. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’ve always made weird sounds with my mouth. I’ve always been fascinated by the sound design, what you can do with your mouth. I was the kid dancing around in third grade on the basketball court. While everyone would be playing sports, I would be jumping around. (Fascinated Quotes)
But when it really happens I’m very fascinated, I’m waiting for the moment, because the moment where life abandons you and death steps in, that moment must be fantastic, no? (Fascinated Quotes)
I desire to be with you. I miss you. I feel lonely when I can’t see you. I am obsessed with you, fascinated by you, infatuated with you. I hunger for your taste, your smell, the feel of your soul touching mine. (Fascinated Quotes)
I got into DJing and making beats when I was about 17. I was always fascinated by the four elements of hip-hop: you know, writing, rhyming, breakdancing and graffiti. (Fascinated Quotes)
I enjoy listening to contemporary rock on the college stations while I’m taking long walks, love gospel and soul music, am fascinated by hip-hop and rap as the new kind of urban ‘beat’ poetry and, come to think of it, find something interesting about just any kind of music. (Fascinated Quotes)
I am fascinated by the engineering. The science of constructing and understanding why it stands. And I am drawn by the madness, the beauty, the theatricality, the poetry and soul of the wire. And you cannot be a wire-walker without mingling those two ways of seeing life. (Fascinated Quotes)
First and foremost, I consider myself a storyteller. And I’m endlessly fascinated with people, with what they do and why... and how they feel about it. Which means I’m interested in romance fiction. I was drawn to it, as both a reader and a writer, at the very beginning of my career. It’s my kind of storytelling. (Fascinated Quotes)
My parents played bridge, and I remember being fascinated watching them. I sometimes got a chance to sit in on a hand, which I loved. But then I didn’t actually play on my own for about 30 years. (Fascinated Quotes)
I was fascinated by the culture clash between England and America in the 1950s. My first memories are of being a girl in those post-war years when things were really pretty grim. It wasn’t like that in America, which was real boom time. (Fascinated Quotes)
I somewhere along the way became fascinated with exploring characters who are willing to put themselves into violent situations, whether it’s football, hockey, boxing, being a cop, being a soldier. There’s not a lot of people who are willing to put themselves into those situations. (Fascinated Quotes)
When I first arrived in Houston, I was fascinated with the elaborate styles of cowboy boots and thought they were incredibly exotic. They also seemed to be a central part of a specifically ‘Texan’ identity, one distinct from being ‘American.’ (Fascinated Quotes)
I’m fascinated by politicians, because I suspect the huge majority of them go into it full of ideas and for the best possible reasons but end up being hijacked. (Fascinated Quotes)
I am really interested in eccentric minds. It’s rather like being fascinated by how cars work. It’s really boring if your car works all the time. But as soon as something happens, you get the bonnet up. If someone has an abnormal or dysfunctional state of mind, you get the bonnet up. (Fascinated Quotes)
As far as being a coach, it’s always fascinated me. It’s a greater responsibility than most people give it credit for because you’re dealing with people. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’m so into music that I just stop and listen, whenever there’s music on. That’s the problem with being a musician for so long. I can get lost in the bassline, fascinated with the arrangement, curious about the production. I can’t shut it out. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’m always fascinated when people really fervently believe, because I have such a hard time believing anything. When people have real faith in something, it’s fascinating to me. And the fact that so many people, in surveys, so many people say they do. It kind of blows my mind. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’m fascinated by musicians who don’t completely understand their territory; that’s when you do your best work. (Fascinated Quotes)
One of the elements in the film that really fascinated me was not to look at the world in bi-polar terms of us vs them or east vs west, which was a by-product of the Cold War. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’m fascinated by management and organizations: how organizations get things done and how successful organizations are built and maintained, how they evolve as they grow from start-ups to small companies to medium companies to big companies. (Fascinated Quotes)
I would say I’m more fascinated by Big Daddy V than I am necessarily a huge fan of Big Daddy V. He simply threw on the double-strapped unitard... and now he’s some sort of fearsome, fighting, wrecking machine. (Fascinated Quotes)
I had a bike accident a few years ago, and I went to the emergency room, and I had to have a gash sewn up. And I am the kind of person that I was sitting up fascinated, watching, to the extent that the doctor said, ‘Do you want to do a couple of stitches? You seem to be very interested.’ (Fascinated Quotes)
I was always fascinated by politics, and I did not like the direction the country was going under Bill Clinton. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’ve always been fascinated and stared at maps for hours as a kid. I’ve especially been most intrigued by the uninhabited or lonelier places on the planet. Like Greenland, for instance, or just recently flying over Alaska and a chain of icy, mountainous islands, uninhabited. (Fascinated Quotes)
I learned my color in Europe. I’ve always been a colorist, I think. I started when I was very young, being a bird-watcher, fascinated by the bird colors. (Fascinated Quotes)
I have always been fascinated by paleontology and prehistoric people, and I’ve always thought that one of the most intriguing moments in human history was the birth of artistic imagination. I always loved those cave paintings. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’m a child myself, in the sense that I’m still looking. Children are fascinated by black holes and ask me questions. I find they soon get the idea if it is explained in nontechnical language. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’ve been fascinated by the Internet from the very start. In 2001, I had made a funny black-and-white film called ‘How to Dance Properly,’ a short video of me dancing to a Madonna song. I sent it to 17 of my friends on a Thursday, and by Monday, one million people a day were logging on to view it. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’ve been kinda fascinated by misfits, outcasts, and downtrodden people. I’ve identified with them. ‘Blade Runner’ probably got me more work than any. It convinced some producers that I could play something other than a rural crazy, I guess. (Fascinated Quotes)