Fascinated Quotes

Text Quotes
I love ocean life. I’m fascinated that so much of it remains unexplored by human beings. Diluted seawater consisted of nearly the same concentration of elements and minerals as blood plasma. They’ve got the same amount of sodium, too. (Fascinated Quotes)
In the early 80s, I was blown away when I began to hear some of the earliest hip-hop songs, and I’m fascinated by all the permutations the genre has gone through. (Fascinated Quotes)
You ask why I’m fascinated by the human figure? As a human animal, I am interested in some of my fellow animals: in their minds and bodies. (Fascinated Quotes)
I was really fascinated by the idea of how cunning and calculating Headless Horseman would be, and how much personality you can actually get from somebody when they’re not expressing. They can do a lot of attitude, just within their body movements. (Fascinated Quotes)
Nobody’s born evil. I guess that’s why we’re drawn to violence. We’re fascinated by it, but there’s a moral in how you examine it. (Fascinated Quotes)
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by things large and small. I wanted to know what made my watch tick, my radio play, and my house stand. I wanted to know who invented the bottle cap and who designed the bridge. I guess from early on I wanted to be an engineer. (Fascinated Quotes)
I started working with brain sensing tech in labs over a decade ago and was immediately fascinated by the potential to help people peer into the workings and behaviors of their own minds. (Fascinated Quotes)
I found myself fascinated by neuroscience, attended a monthly lecture on brain science at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, and was invited to become a member of a discussion group devoted to a new field: neuropsychoanalysis. (Fascinated Quotes)
I think we’re all fascinated and a little mystified by how the brain works. One of the most mysterious of the physical sciences is neurological science. (Fascinated Quotes)
Growing up, I was fascinated with Buck Rogers’ airplanes. As I began to mature in World War II, it became jets and rocket planes. But it was always in the air. (Fascinated Quotes)
America has always fascinated me; it’s a country where you can make it from one side to the other with no money, by hook or by crook. (Fascinated Quotes)
Growing up, I would have to say I loved ‘Peter Pan’ because I was fascinated by Captain Hook; I was fascinated by Hans Conried, who was an actor on screen and also a theatrical and television actor. (Fascinated Quotes)
People are fascinated, for whatever reason, by human drama, and the idea that cameras are capturing ambient stories. (Fascinated Quotes)
My mother insisted that I pursue music. I rented out my father’s musical equipment and earned some money. As a child, I wasn’t sure about a career goal, but I was always fascinated by electronic gadgets, specially musical equipment. (Fascinated Quotes)
Catcher in the Rye’ changed my life when I was a kid. I read it as I was a boy turning into a man, and I was so fascinated by the values. I believe in it. (Fascinated Quotes)
The whole celebrity culture thing - I’m fascinated by, and repelled by, and yet I end up knowing about it. (Fascinated Quotes)
I was fascinated with the writing process and seeing the evolution of a sketch and how it would change up to the minute before it went on the air. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’m fascinated by journalism. I put a keen eye, not a negative eye, on its role, particularly how it is changed by the times we’re living in. (Fascinated Quotes)
What I do, basically, is look at things from different angles. That is what I do on stage comedically, and that is what I do in art. I was always fascinated by the structure of things, why things work this way and not that way. So I like to see how things behave if you change the point of view. (Fascinated Quotes)
I was that weird kid that checked out all of the non-fiction paranormal studies books from the library. I’ve always been fascinated by the supernatural, particularly movies and TV shows that manage to blend humor with the horror - ‘Supernatural’, ‘Buffy’, ‘Angel.’ (Fascinated Quotes)
My mother had a sewing machine. I was never allowed to use it, but I was so fascinated by this little needle going up and down joining fabric together that I’d use it when my mother went out to feed the chickens. (Fascinated Quotes)
I was raised, I feel like, on television, definitely a child of TV, and was always fascinated by storytelling. (Fascinated Quotes)
I am endlessly fascinated that playing football is considered a training ground for leadership, but raising children isn’t. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’ve never necessarily chosen to be a bachelor. I’ve had girlfriends throughout the last 20 or 30 years. It’s just that there were times when I met people that fascinated me and times I didn’t. (Fascinated Quotes)
And so I’ve always been fascinated by the technical end of theater, and a lot of my closest friends are not actors, but in the other end of the business. (Fascinated Quotes)
I’ve always been fascinated, obsessed even, with books and TV shows about unsolved murders, cold cases, forensic science, mysteries, and so on. Many times when I get inspiration for my work, it’s from something in one of these books or TV shows, or perhaps some newspaper article about a specific case. (Fascinated Quotes)
I wanted no other job than to work in newspapers. I was fascinated by the process of collecting information, talking to people and having the story appear in a paper that would be delivered in your letterbox. (Fascinated Quotes)
I got an offer at ‘Vogue.’ And I desperately wanted to work in magazines. My interest wasn’t in fashion, but when you get an offer right out of college for a magazine that big - I decided that it was probably better to start at a big name magazine, even if I wasn’t necessarily fascinated with the subject. (Fascinated Quotes)
No, I’m not a comic book guy. I’m pretty fascinated with the subculture though and I do think that the world of comic books is such a natural transition into film. (Fascinated Quotes)
Growing up, I had a sense of the importance of commerce and trade to everyday life. Our family lived in several countries, and I was fascinated by the free exchange of goods and services between individuals and companies - the way both parties could benefit. (Fascinated Quotes)