Fashion Quotes

Text Quotes
You see all races in music, and in dance and theatre, so why can’t we see it in fashion? (Fashion Quotes)
I think it’s great to use fashion to develop your personality and express who you really are (Fashion Quotes)
Nature is not made after such a fashion as we would have her. We piously exaggerate her wonders, as the scenery around our home (Fashion Quotes)
Revolution begins with the self, in the self... We’d better take the time to fashion revolutionary selves, revolutionary lives, revolutionary relationships. Mouth don’t win the war (Fashion Quotes)
Vulgarism in language is the distinguishing characteristic of bad company, and a bad education. A man of fashion avoids nothing with more care than that. Proverbial expressions, and trite sayings, are the flowers of the rhetoric of vulgar man (Fashion Quotes)
The company of women of fashion will improve your manners, though not your understanding; and that complaisance and politeness, which are so useful in men’s company, can only be acquired in women’s (Fashion Quotes)
Many people wait throughout their whole lives for the chance to be good in their own fashion (Fashion Quotes)
It has not been the fashion to be scientific about religion, but it is necessary that we should be scientific; it is time that we examined ourselves as to our faith and tried to know what we believe and why, and on what we base our belief (Fashion Quotes)
True dandyism is the result of an artistic temperament working upon a fine body within the wide limits of fashion (Fashion Quotes)
The fashion industry certainly has its obscene sides. The cost of a coat can be obscene. So can the cost of a photo shoot if you’re working with a really good photographer (Fashion Quotes)
Many faux pas of fashion can be avoided if you curb your instinctive desire to buy things with your heart instead of your head (Fashion Quotes)
It’s important for young women and men coming out of the fashion schools to think seriously before starting their own collections (Fashion Quotes)
I think fashion, mishandled, can be quite toxic. It becomes about image and the cult of celebrity. I think when an artist is seen at a lot of parties as a celebrity, I find that worrying. I think it can limit them (Fashion Quotes)
I don’t like women who follow fashion in the sense of becoming victims of it. I like women who have elegance, who have allure, who use fashion, rather than the other way around (Fashion Quotes)
Many designers are gay men making clothes for women. Sometimes I think fashion is more of a conversation between men than it is for women (Fashion Quotes)
My career in fashion has been very much about sexuality and sex, and I think a lot of people think that’s all I can do and what I am all about (Fashion Quotes)
I love fashion. But I love it in a different way than most people. I’m not obsessed with it. I’m just obsessed with looking good and wearing clothes that make me feel good (Fashion Quotes)
I’ve made clothes my whole life, but I was just naive about the fashion world. But I think it’s successful because I’ve been really involved. Picking the samples, inspirations, color palette (Fashion Quotes)
I’m a really visual artist, and I love writing treatments for music videos, photo shoots, fashion, and all the visual parts that go along with making an album (Fashion Quotes)
I’m a chick, I love clothes, and I’m also in the entertainment industry, so I’ve done a lot of photo shoots, video shoots, red carpets. So I learned very quickly that fashion is going to be and will be a big part of what I do (Fashion Quotes)
The people who work in the fashion industry and the people who work in the film industry have a lot in common. They’re very creative. Their eye is very aesthetic (Fashion Quotes)
I believe that history might be, and ought to be, taught in a new fashion so as to make the meaning of it as a process of evolution intelligible to the young (Fashion Quotes)
The turnover of fashion is just so quick and so throwaway, and I think that is a big part of the problem. There is no longevity (Fashion Quotes)
I have fun with my clothes onstage; it’s not a concert you’re seeing, it’s a fashion show (Fashion Quotes)
The paradoxes of today are the prejudices of tomorrow, since the most benighted and the most deplorable prejudices have had their moment of novelty when fashion lent them its fragile grace (Fashion Quotes)
The art of the critic in a nutshell: to coin slogans without betraying ideas. The slogans of an inadequate criticism peddle ideas to fashion (Fashion Quotes)
Change of fashion is the tax levied by the industry of the poor on the vanity of the rich (Fashion Quotes)
Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening (Fashion Quotes)
And we have not found any generational gap at all. If he wants to go a football game, he goes. If I want to go to a fashion show, I go. We don’t have to do everything together. But we like doing most things together (Fashion Quotes)
Once you establish a look, and once everybody recognizes that look as your look, you never have to think about fashion again (Fashion Quotes)