Fashion Quotes

Text Quotes
I do not agree with this century’s fashion of running down the human species as a failed try, a doomed sport. At our worst, we may be going through the early stages of adolescence, and everyone remembers what that is like (Fashion Quotes)
We’ve got to teach history based not on what’s in fashion, but what’s important (Fashion Quotes)
I know fashion is a material thing, but we live in a material world and I love clothes (Fashion Quotes)
I’m still a student of fashion, but I like hooking up with the people that really know how to make cool clothes (Fashion Quotes)
With all fashion, what we do is play at being somebody else. We play at inhabiting another kind of world (Fashion Quotes)
Fashion may not be a weapon of the woman but at least it gives her the ammunition (Fashion Quotes)
Fashion is about so much more than just a pretty pair of pumps or the perfect hemline. For so many people across the country, it is a calling, it is a career, and it’s a way they feed their families (Fashion Quotes)
Music to me is so internal. It’s physical and it’s emotional. Whereas fashion is so much about the external that it’s almost like a break. It’s not inner turmoil. It’s total escapism (Fashion Quotes)
Radio is just a fashion contrivance that will soon die out. It is obvious that there never will be invented a proper receiver! (Fashion Quotes)
Eagerly pursuing all the latest fads and trends cause he’s a dedicated follower of fashion (Fashion Quotes)
I used to look back at pictures and cringe but actually I’m quite proud that I’ve had fun with fashion and don’t always look perfect. The only regret I have is when I look at something I wore when I was very young and it obviously looks like it belonged to someone else (Fashion Quotes)
I know it is the fashion to say that most of recorded history is lies anyway. I am willing to believe that history is for the most part inaccurate and biased, but what is peculiar to our own age is the abandonment of the idea that history could be truthfully written (Fashion Quotes)
There is a grandeur in the uniformity of the mass. When a fashion, a dance, a song, a slogan or a joke sweeps like wildfire from one end of the continent to the other, and a hundred million people roar with laughter, sway their bodies in unison, hum one song or break forth in anger and denunciation, there is the overpowering feeling that in this country we have come nearer the brotherhood of man than ever before (Fashion Quotes)
If, in looking at the lives of princes, courtiers, men of rank and fashion, we must perforce depict them as idle, profligate, and criminal, we must make allowances for the rich men’s failings, and recollect that we, too, were very likely indolent and voluptuous, had we no motive for work, a mortal’s natural taste for pleasure, and the daily temptation of a large income. What could a great peer, with a great castle and park, and a great fortune, do but be splendid and idle? (Fashion Quotes)
I never cared about buying things for myself, like clothes. And then all of a sudden I realized how great it is to be very precise about the shirts that I wear and all the things that are a part of my closet. So the ritual of fashion and shopping became very personal to me (Fashion Quotes)
When you see a fashion show, you see those seven minutes of what was six months of tedious work of, you know, going up an inch and down an inch, changing it from one shade of red to another shade of red. So it’s the same as any creative process. The result is what we see, but the process is really labor intensive and work (Fashion Quotes)
I need to be performing. I need to be acting. I need to be designing a condo and ripping down walls and buying new plates and looking at fashion magazines. There always has to be some movement in the artistic department for me to not get really, really low (Fashion Quotes)
The arts are not just a nice thing to have or to do if there is free time or if one can afford it. Rather, paintings and poetry, music and fashion, design and dialogue, they all define who we are as a people and provide an account of our history for the next generation (Fashion Quotes)
I cannot believe that the most delicious things were placed here merely to test us, to temp us, to make it the more difficult for us to capture the grand prize: the safety of the void. To fashion of life such a petty game is unworthy of both men and gods (Fashion Quotes)
We cut the throat of a calf and hang it up by the heels to bleed to death so that our veal cutlet may be white; we nail geese to a board and cram them with food because we like the taste of liver disease; we tear birds to pieces to decorate our women’s hats; we mutilate domestic animals for no reason at all except to follow an instinctively cruel fashion; and we connive at the most abominable tortures in the hope of discovering some magical cure for our own diseases by them (Fashion Quotes)
For anyone of a rational disposition, fashion is often nearly impossible to fathom. Throughout many periods of history – perhaps most – it can seem as if the whole impulse of fashion has been to look maximally ridiculous. If one could be maximally uncomfortable as well, the triumph was all the greater (Fashion Quotes)
As a younger woman, that pressure got me down, but I’ve made my peace with it. With airbrushing and digital manipulation, fashion can project an unobtainable image that’s dangerously unhealthy. I’m excited about the ageing process. I’m more interested in women who aren’t perfect. They’re more compelling (Fashion Quotes)
We must dress according to the dictates of fashion, make love whether we feel like it or not, kill in the name of our country, wish time away so that retirement comes more quickly, elect politicians, complain about the cost of living, change our hairstyle, criticize anyone who’s different, go to a religious service and beg forgiveness for our sins and puff ourselves up with pride because we know the truth and despise the other tribe who worships a false God (Fashion Quotes)
Elegance is usually confused with superficiality, fashion, lack of depth. This is a serious mistake: human beings need to have elegance in their actions and in their posture because this word is synonymous with good taste, amiability, equilibrium and harmony (Fashion Quotes)
I want to be honest about the world that we live in, and sometimes my political persuasions come through in my work. Fashion can be really racist, looking at the clothes of other cultures as costumes... That’s mundane and it’s old hat. Let’s break down some barriers (Fashion Quotes)
Money values do not simply mirror the state of affairs in the real world; valuation is a positive act that makes an impact on the course of events. Monetary and real phenomena are connected in a reflexive fashion; that is, they influence each other mutually. The reflexive relationship manifests itself most clearly in the use and abuse of credit (Fashion Quotes)
Think of all your experiences as a huge tapestry that can be laid out in whatever pattern you wish. Each day you add a new thread to the weaving. Do you craft a curtain to hide behind, or do you fashion a magic carpet that will care you to unequaled heights? (Fashion Quotes)
It was a really fun idea to have a fashion label with my sister but I don’t have an awful lot of time for it because my first love and job is to be an actress (Fashion Quotes)
We did it with passion; we didn’t do it like everyone else. Teams nowadays are still trying to duplicate that, but no one has yet. We shuffled down and we did it. We did it in an unique fashion (Fashion Quotes)
Talking about the democratization of fashion is just one of the many trite things people say these days (Fashion Quotes)