Fat Quotes

Text Quotes
When your story is ready for rewrite, cut it to the bone. Get rid of every ounce of excess fat. This is going to hurt; revising a story down to the bare essentials is always a little like murdering children, but it must be done (Fat Quotes)
True, nuts are high in fat, but most of them contain monounsaturated fat that is good for the heart. In fact, eaten in moderation, nuts can lower your risk of heart disease and heart attack (Fat Quotes)
There are lots of guys around the world that are lazy. They have big fat guts. They talk about chi power and things they can do, but don’t believe it (Fat Quotes)
Look at that fat kid, in the audience. You want some pie you little fatty? I strongly dislike fat kids. Security, please remove him, that fat kid, over there, by the pies (Fat Quotes)
Sonic the hedgehog is a beautiful statement on capitalism. You spend your whole life collecting yellow rings and then hit one spike and lose them all. And there is a fat man who wants to kill you (Fat Quotes)
Whether people grow fat by joking, or whether there is something in fat itself which predisposes to a joke, I have never been quite able to determine (Fat Quotes)
I don’t care if the girl is slim or fat, I just want the girl that makes me happy (Fat Quotes)
Fat people who want to reduce should take their exercise on an empty stomach and sit down to their food out of breath... Thin people who want to get fat should do exactly the opposite and never take exercise on an empty stomach (Fat Quotes)
Today’s beauty ideal, strictly enforced by the media, is a person with the same level of body fat as a paper clip (Fat Quotes)
It is my theory you can’t get rid of fat. All you can do is move it around, like furniture (Fat Quotes)
People call me fat, but I don’t care. I don’t want to starve myself cause I am beautiful the way I am (Fat Quotes)
When you hear bacon cooking... that sizzling sound isn’t the fat cooking... that’s applause (Fat Quotes)
To a new generation of butterflies, hopefully less stupid than last. Maybe they were burgeoning even now in fat little cocoons. Or maybe not (Fat Quotes)
It’s true that you need much time to get rid of the fat girl you once were, but you know I am sincerely grateful for my buttocks (Fat Quotes)
People who have to fight for their living and are not afraid to die for it are higher persons than those who, stationed high, are too fat to dare to die (Fat Quotes)
I feel like some of my baby fat is going away, and that’s not just physically, it’s psychologically. I think that your body is in tune with your mind and your spirituality and your heart. If things are going better, I just think you look better (Fat Quotes)
The funny thing is, I don’t actually think of myself as fat at all. I don’t think I am. Not really (Fat Quotes)
I have big friends who won’t go swimming because they’re too embarrassed about it. I feel that’s such a shame, because actually people should be encouraging fat people who are exercising to do it, not pointing and laughing (Fat Quotes)
It certainly would have been adaptive for ancestral man to have a chubby wife during stressful times of famine. Not only would she have had more calories to burn, and thus more energy and endurance, but since fat stores estrogen, she would have remained fertile for longer (Fat Quotes)
Perhaps if we saw what was ahead of us, and glimpsed the follies, and misfortunes that would befall us later on, we would all stay in our mother’s wombs, and then there would be nobody in the world but a great number of very fat, very irritated women (Fat Quotes)
... women are elephants and watch the way you say that in front of them because they’ll think you’re calling them fat and there’s no coming back from that moment. But they hoard. They say they don’t, but they do. We think that if something’s not spoken about again, it goes away. It doesn’t. Nothing goes away just like that (Fat Quotes)
You can even say that I hated myself at certain periods. I was too fat, or maybe too tall, or maybe just plain too ugly... you can say my definiteness stems from underlying feelings of insecurity and inferiority. I couldn’t conquer these feelings by acting indecisive. I found the only way to get the better of them was by adopting a forceful, concentrated drive (Fat Quotes)
If you’re sloppy, that’s just fine. If you’re moody, I won’t mind. If you’re fat, that’s fine with me. If you’re skinny, let it be. If you’re bossy, that’s all right. if you’re nasty, I won’t fight. If you’re rough, well that’s just you. If you’re mean, that’s all right too. Whatever you are is all okay. I don’t like you anyway (Fat Quotes)
Nothing in the world is so soft and pleasing to the touch, as the skin of a woman’s thigh. No flower, feather or fabric, can match that velvet whisper of flesh. No matter how unequal they may be in any other ways, all women, old and young, fat and thin, beautiful and ugly, have that perfection. It’s a great part of the reason why men hunger to possess women, and so often convince themselves that they do possess them: the thigh, that touch (Fat Quotes)
There is nothing positive about being fat. And there is nothing positive about loving yourself. We all need to conform to society’s expectations of who we are, because if we don’t, who will? Life is more enjoyable when you are thin and pretty. I was never fat a day in my life and I never will (Fat Quotes)
The next time you look into the mirror, try to let go of the storyline that says you’re too fat or too sallow, too ashy or too old, your eyes are too small or your nose too big; just look into the mirror and see your face. When the criticism drops away, what you will see then is just you, without judgment, and that is the first step towards transforming your experience of the world (Fat Quotes)
I think what you feel like as a teenager never really goes away. If you were teased for being fat or thin or having bad teeth, you’re always insecure about that particular area of yourself. So I’ve never thought of myself as any kind of beauty, iconic or otherwise (Fat Quotes)
There’s always someone out there telling you your nose is too big or too small, or you’re too fat or too thin, or they don’t like your hair. In life, there’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like something about you, so you have to focus on what makes you happy about yourself. You’re the only person you need to please (Fat Quotes)
It doesn’t have to be a problem for children to be fat, but it does affect you: you aren’t as happy in that skin (Fat Quotes)
A man does not automatically become a public figure because he happens to build an empire out of chicken fat (Fat Quotes)