Fat Quotes

Text Quotes
I wish my wallet was as fat as I am (Fat Quotes)
Day after cheat meal (Fat Quotes)
Where did these rolls come from? (Fat Quotes)
Damn it, I'm fat (Fat Quotes)
I'm not fat. I'm just so freakin' sexy it overflows (Fat Quotes)
Tall, curvy, short, thin, whatever you are - you are beautiful (Fat Quotes)
You know what that ten extra pounds feels like (Fat Quotes)
I'm not fat. I'm just easy to see (Fat Quotes)
I wish there was a way to donate fat like you can donate blood (Fat Quotes)
Chocolate makes your clothes shrink (Fat Quotes)
Largest man in the world in 1903. American police officer in 2012 (Fat Quotes)
Does this pose make my ass look big? (Fat Quotes)
And a diet Pepsi. Don’t wanna get fat (Fat Quotes)
Sweat is just fat crying (Fat Quotes)
Maybe I ate all the marshmallows and maybe I didn’t (Fat Quotes)
I’m not fat! I’m fat-tabulous! (Fat Quotes)
I stopped eating because you called me fat (Fat Quotes)
Walk away fatty. You (Fat Quotes)
When is it okay to ask a woman if she is pregnant? (Fat Quotes)
Can you guess who’s pregnant? (Fat Quotes)
I’m about to create my own pose - the dyin’ fat man (Fat Quotes)
Unicorns are real. They’re just fat, grey and we call them rhinos (Fat Quotes)
Relationships are like fat people, most of them don't work out (Fat Quotes)
If you can't tell a spoon from a ladle, then you're fat! (Fat Quotes)
The only way you get that fat off is to eat less and exercise more (Fat Quotes)
I'm in shape. Unfortunately, its the wrong one (Fat Quotes)
This record breaking heat makes it even harder than usual to be fat (Fat Quotes)
I found there was only one way to look thin: hang out with fat people (Fat Quotes)
Sorry I thought you were pregnant (Fat Quotes)
Congratulations on being that fat and still alive (Fat Quotes)