Fatal Quotes

Text Quotes
All pain is per se and especially in excess, destructive and ultimately fatal in its nature and effects (Fatal Quotes)
Our acts our angels are, for good or ill, our fatal shadows that walk by us still (Fatal Quotes)
Children do not have to learn that streets are dangerous places by potentially fatal trial and error (Fatal Quotes)
I hated her now with a hatred more fatal than indifference because it was the other side of love (Fatal Quotes)
It is fatal for any body of workers to have forever hanging from the fringes of its skirts other bodies on a level just below its own; for that means continual pressure downward, additional difficulty to be overcome in the struggle to maintain reasonable rates of wages (Fatal Quotes)
While formal schooling is an important advantage, it is not a guarantee of success nor is its absence a fatal handicap (Fatal Quotes)
It is common knowledge that smoking is considered one of the nation’s leading causes of preventable death, but it’s less widely known that cigarettes are also the leading cause of fatal fires (Fatal Quotes)
On the mountains mistakes are fatal. In politics, mistakes are wounding emotionally, but you recover. Personally, wilderness helps me get back in touch with natural rhythms, helps me reflect and, in the process, restore my creativity (Fatal Quotes)
It is most important in this world to be pushing, but it is fatal to seem so (Fatal Quotes)
Tact is one of the first mental virtues, the absence of which is often fatal to the best of talents; it supplies the place of many talents (Fatal Quotes)
It is extraordinary how the house and the simplest possessions of someone who has been left become so quickly sordid... Even the stain on the coffee cup seems not coffee but the physical manifestation of one’s inner stain, the fatal blot that from the beginning had marked one for ultimate aloneness (Fatal Quotes)
... She knew in her heart that to be without optimism, that core of reasonless hope in the spirit rather than the brain, was a fatal flaw, the seed of death (Fatal Quotes)
Slavery may, perhaps, be best compared to the infantile disease of measles; a complaint which so commonly attacks the young of humanity in their infancy, and when gone through at that period leaves behind it so few fatal marks; but which when it normally attacks the fully developed adult becomes one of the most virulent and toxic of diseases, often permanently poisoning the constitution where it does not end in death (Fatal Quotes)
There are dreadful punishments enacted against thieves, but it were much better to make such good provisions by which every man might be put in a method how to live, and so be preserved from the fatal necessity of stealing and of dying for it (Fatal Quotes)
Power is an instrument of fatal consequence. It is confined no more readily than quicksilver, and escapes good intentions as easily as air flows through mesh (Fatal Quotes)
When one woman strikes at the heart of another, she seldom misses, and the wound is invariably fatal (Fatal Quotes)
Some friends of theirs had rented their house for several months to an interior decorator. When they returned, they discovered that their entire library had been reorganized by color and size. Shortly thereafter, the decorator met with a fatal automobile accident. I confess that when this story was told, everyone around the dinner table concurred that justice had been served (Fatal Quotes)
Why should we tolerate a diet of weak poisons, a home in insipid surroundings, a circle of acquaintances who are not quite our enemies, the noise of motors with just enough relief to prevent insanity? Who would want to live in a world which is just not quite fatal? (Fatal Quotes)
I want someone who puts the whole ball of wax at risk. I want the kind of marriage where we would follow each other out into the stormy fatal sea or I’m not marrying at all (Fatal Quotes)
One never took the time to savour the details; one said: another day, but always with the hidden knowledge that each day was unique and fatal, that there never would be a return, another time (Fatal Quotes)
In his scientific genius, man has wrought material miracles and has transformed his world. He has harnassed nature and has developed great civilizations. But he has never learned very well how to live with himself. The values he has created have been predominantly materialistic; his spiritual values have lagged far behind. He has demonstrated little spiritual genius and has made little progress toward the realization of human brotherhood. In the contemporary atomic age, this could prove man’s fatal weakness (Fatal Quotes)
Half the interest of a garden is the constant exercise of the imagination. You are always living three, or indeed six, months hence. I believe that people entirely devoid of imagination never can be really good gardeners. To be content with the present, and not striving about the future, is fatal (Fatal Quotes)
To see a shadow and think it is a tree that is a pity; but to see a tree and to think it a shadow can be fatal (Fatal Quotes)
This would be a tricky operation, no doubt of that, and a mistake would probably be fatal. So many things he had done over the years would have been fatal, had his luck not been strongly good. He had cheated death dozens of times, but that did not mean he could take it as a given. A man needed only one fatal mistake to end the game (Fatal Quotes)
And yet, we know how fatal the pursuit of liveliness may be: it may result in... tiresome acrobatics... Flashy effects distract the mind. They destroy their persuasiveness; you would not believe a man was very intent on ploughing a furrow if he carried a hoop with him and jumped through it at every other step... When virtuosity gets the upper hand of your theme, or is better than your idea, it is time to quit (Fatal Quotes)
What is concisely referred to as global warming, is a fatal mistake of the present time (Fatal Quotes)
Repeatedly asking for government help undermines the foundations of society by destroying initiative and responsibility. It is also a fatal blow to efficiency and corrupts the political process (Fatal Quotes)
I decided I wanted out because it was killing me, and I couldnt see where to go with it that wouldnt be fatal (Fatal Quotes)
Dissonance is as fatal in ailments of the mind as it is in those of the body (Fatal Quotes)
The process of writing fiction is totally unconscious. It comes from what you are learning, as you live, from within. For me, all writing is a process of discovery. We are looking for the meaning of life. No matter where you are, there are conflicts and dramas everywhere. It is the process of what it means to be a human being; how you react and are reacted upon, these inward and outer pressures. If you are writing with a direct cause in mind, you are writing propaganda. It’s fatal for a fiction writer (Fatal Quotes)