Fate Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s dangerous to start attributing your fortunes to luck and your misfortunes to fate (Fate Quotes)
The nation becomes the master of its fate not only when it has many good sons, but also when it possesses enough strength to restrain its bad ones (Fate Quotes)
It is my melancholy fate to like so many people I profoundly disagree with and often heartily dislike people who agree with me (Fate Quotes)
All you need to do is write truly and not care about what the fate of it is (Fate Quotes)
I believe that every interaction is an act of fate in some way, that we’re meant to interact with them, and it’s our job to flesh that out and experience it to the fullest and learn the lessons we’re meant to (Fate Quotes)
It took me years to learn that character is fate and that no one can be made over (Fate Quotes)
People who seem most hostile to my presence are those most fearful of my fate. And since their fear keeps them emotionally distant from me, they are the ones least likely to learn that my life isn’t half so dismal as they assume (Fate Quotes)
Yet I pity the poor wretch, though he’s my enemy. He’s yoked to an evil delusion, but the same fate could be mine. I see clearly: we who live are all phantoms, fleeing shadows (Fate Quotes)
By an irony of fate, my first employment was as a draughtsman. I hated drawing; it was for me the very worst of annoyances. Fortunately, it was not long before I secured the position I sought, that of chief electrician to the telephone company (Fate Quotes)
The noble person who has eaten of his lord’s bounty should die in his lord’s battles; to return to one’s home dead and wrapped in a horse’s hide is a happy fate. Am I the sort of people to bring to nought the grand designs of my country? (Fate Quotes)
I wonder whether being a scientists daughter makes you so conflicted about free will and fate (Fate Quotes)
Will any one, save the most bigoted, contend, that it is not certain gain to humanity to spread unbelief in the terrible doctrine that eternal torment is the probable fate of the great majority of the human family? (Fate Quotes)
The fate of the world rests on this one thing: our capacity to actualize our spiritual potential, and quickly (Fate Quotes)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul (Fate Quotes)
Fate then is that necessity by which a certain result will surely be brought to pass according to the natural course of events however we may vary the particular circumstances which precede the event (Fate Quotes)
Fate cast me to play the role of an ugly duckling with no promise of swanning.... I have played my life as a comedy rather than the tragedy many would have made of it (Fate Quotes)
Fate is something you believe in when things are not going well. When they are, you forget it (Fate Quotes)
To deserve this fate what have I ever done?... All I want is just a little piece of mind but the angels won’t have it (Fate Quotes)
I think sometimes fate cuts you a break. Like it says, okay, you’ve had enough of that crap, so it’s time you fell into something nice. See what you make out of it (Fate Quotes)
No matter how children came to be living with just one parent, they need to be told, again and again, that your family’s configuration is the result of an adult decision or an act of fate that has nothing whatsoever to do with them (Fate Quotes)
It is hard work to control the workings of inclination and turn the bent of nature; but that it may be done, I know from experience. God has given us, in a measure, the power to make our own fate (Fate Quotes)
Sternly, remorselessly, fate guides each of us; only at the beginning, when we’re absorbed in details, in all sorts of nonsense, in ourselves, are we unaware of its harsh hand (Fate Quotes)
Karma isn’t fate. Nor is it a punishment imposed on us by some external agent. We create our own karma. Karma is the result of the choices that we make every moment of every day (Fate Quotes)
It is also the fate of leadership to be misunderstood. It is a grave error for any leader to be oversensitive in the face of criticism, to conduct discussions as if he or she is a schoolmaster talking to less informed and inexperienced learners (Fate Quotes)
The fate of the nation and the fate of the currency are one and the same (Fate Quotes)
The esteem of good men is the reward of our worth, but the reputation of the world in general is the gift of our fate (Fate Quotes)
My faith is that I don’t believe in fate! We are not puppets or zombies of destiny. We are the main painters of our life’s canvas (Fate Quotes)
We can’t change our fate, because we can’t change something which doesn’t exist (Fate Quotes)
While other creatures of the evolution are just watching the universe, man alone has the power to change the fate of the universe (Fate Quotes)
I had a dream that I was captain of fate. I lost control and then I sank (Fate Quotes)