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Fate Quotes

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Before the Civil War, there were no national cemeteries, no processes for identifying the dead in the battle. There weren’t any dog tags, and there was no next-of-kin notification. You didn’t necessarily even hear what the fate of your loved ones had been. It was up to their comrades to write and inform you  (Fate Quotes) I write little quotes all the time to help encourage people to come together, like this one: ‘If fate happens to toss you a lightbulb, use it to light the path of others, for they will use theirs to light the path of you. With your light together with mine, it’s two times as bright and twice as strong.’  (Fate Quotes) But you certainly don’t have perspective. And there’s so much pressure going into that opening night because you know there’s journalists, tons of acquisitions people, and the fate of your film in some ways, if not decided, is really affected by how it screens that night  (Fate Quotes) Solve the problem yourself or accept a fate you may not like... from this perspective, the ethic of personal responsibility gains appeal  (Fate Quotes) I’ve had a blessed life. I’ve pulled back from trying to control my destiny and gone back to accepting whatever fate has in store for me. I live for today because I don’t know what’ll happen tomorrow  (Fate Quotes) My four years in Russia end, then, in dramatic fashion: with a textbook Soviet-style expulsion. I am the first western staff correspondent to suffer this fate since the end of the Cold War. I’m stunned. But my expulsion is not, I reflect, a surprise. It’s something I have always accepted as a real, if far-fetched, possibility  (Fate Quotes) Elsa’s mother no longer spoke to her of men and love, but of duty and fate and accepting one’s burden. As far as Elsa could tell, if love really was the inherited female domain, then women were saddled with the biggest burden of all. It was pressing down upon them, the way the sea pressed down upon the creatures of the deep  (Fate Quotes) History is rife with examples of governments taking actions to ‘protect’ their citizens from harm by controlling access to information and inhibiting freedom of expression and other freedoms outlined in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We must make sure, collectively, that the Internet avoids a similar fate  (Fate Quotes) There is nothing in your background that inherently holds you back or means you can’t achieve what others can achieve. You are the master of your own fate, and if you work hard, you can do what you want  (Fate Quotes) There is no fate that plans men’s lives. Whatever comes to us, good or bad, is usually the result of our own action or lack of action.  (Fate Quotes) The fate of the African continent does not f-ing depend on a load of f-ing musicians in Hyde Park singing f-ing s-t songs to kids.  (Fate Quotes) The agricultural revolution transformed the earth and changed the fate of humanity. It produced an entirely new mode of subsistence, which remains the foundation of the global economy to this day.  (Fate Quotes) But by the time that I had nothing left, I myself was the lightest thing of all for fate to get rid of.  (Fate Quotes) But if all this time between them had taught him anything, it was that they were orbiting the same fate. Together, always together, even when physically apart.  (Fate Quotes) All that remains is a fate whose outcome alone is fatal. Outside of that single fatality of death, everything, joy or happiness, is liberty. A world remains of which man is the sole master. What bound him was the illusion of another world.  (Fate Quotes) Fate occasionally touches us all in ways we don’t always understand...  (Fate Quotes) Marriage is full of such cut-and-dry arrangements, Rhonda thought,then felt that small ache she sometimes got at the back of her skull-the one that told her she might be alone forever, not a fate that she chose but rather a fate that seemed to have been chosen for her.  (Fate Quotes) A book of mine is always a matter of fate. There is something unpredictable about the process of writing, and I cannot prescribe for myself any predetermined course.  (Fate Quotes) American policy seems to be wed to a perpetual state of war. Why? History shows that the world will always be in flux or turmoil, with different peoples competing for visibility and power. The U.S. cannot fix the fate of every nation.  (Fate Quotes) This death to the logic of emotional commitments of our chance moment in the world of space and time, this recognition of, the shift of our emphasis to, the universal life that throbs and celebrates its victory in the very kiss of our own annihilation, this amor fati, ‘love of fate,’ love of the fate that is inevitably death, constitutes the experience of the tragic art...  (Fate Quotes) There is no such thing as an accident, only a failure to recognise the hand of fate  (Fate Quotes) Blurred is the picture, To not know what’s next! Is it the laughter that awaits, Or sorrows lined up to dictate. Untold, unclear isA story of our fate!  (Fate Quotes) But if something was really important, fate made sure it somehow came back to you and gave you another chance.  (Fate Quotes) I don’t think anyone is qualified to answer questions of eternal fate definitively, much less pinpoint it to a given day.  (Fate Quotes) O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.  (Fate Quotes) By not asking too much, you can believe in almost anything..like..a starry night in the mountains, or even the existence of fate.  (Fate Quotes) ...intentions, good or bad, are not enough. There’s luck or fate or something else that takes over...  (Fate Quotes) I have never been in a bad mood and near a beach ball at the same time. Causation? Correlation? Or fate?  (Fate Quotes) I think young adults get a bad rap for being self-absorbed and self-centered. My experience going around the United States and speaking in schools is that teenagers here are very interested in the fate of their peers around the world.  (Fate Quotes) All working, practical political systems, even those professing to originate in moral grandeur, are based upon and operate by contempt of human life and the individual fate ...  (Fate Quotes)
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