Father Quotes

Text Quotes
My father moved through dooms of love through sames of am through haves of give singing each morning out of each night my father moved through depths of height (Father Quotes)
And nothing quite so least as truth - I say though hate were why men breathe - because my father lived his soul love is the whole and more than all (Father Quotes)
I've just finished my next collection, Possible Side Effects, and I'm now working on a collection of holiday stories as well as a memoir about my relationship with my father (Father Quotes)
But like my father, I have not done anything. I could not, because I am me, because I died long ago (Father Quotes)
The words that a father speaks to his children in the privacy of home are not heard by the world, but, as in whispering galleries, they are clearly heard at the end, and by posterity (Father Quotes)
I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them, as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when they begot me (Father Quotes)
Heavenly father, my body cells are made of light, my fleshly cells are made of thee. They are spirit, for thou art spirit; they are immortal, for thou art life (Father Quotes)
Tory a father isn't supposed to fear his fourteen year old daughter. That being sad, you terrify me (Father Quotes)
I was thirty years old. I had lost my father and mother eighteen or twenty years before, so long ago that (Father Quotes)
Father says hot water can be as stimulating as an alcoholic drink and though I never come by one... I can well believe it (Father Quotes)
The Holy Spirit is the most perfect gift of the Father to men, and yet He is the one gift which the Father gives most easily (Father Quotes)
This was law? she thought. Where was the excitement of court cases, the challenge of defending the people that her father was always talking about? This was no fun at all (Father Quotes)
I came to understand that my father was a careful man. To be careful with people and with words was a rare and beautiful thing (Father Quotes)
Grow up? Get herself straightened out? Her mind reeled from the verbal battering. No matter what she did, her father would tell her she was wrong. Worthless. Undeserving (Father Quotes)
These were his people - a strange thought. Maybe not his very own people, as in father, mother, brother, sister, but people just like him. He was lost but not so lost after all (Father Quotes)
Women could be quite crafty, he knew that much. His father said it often. Smarter than men, too, most of the time. You had to know your way around if you wanted to fall in love with a woman (Father Quotes)
Sir - sir, it is a boy! A boy, said my father, looking up from his book, and evidently much puzzled; what is a boy? (Father Quotes)
Each man forms his duty according to his predominant characteristic; the stern require an avenging judge; the gentle, a forgiving father. Just so the pygmies declared that Jove himself was a pygmy (Father Quotes)
And the sins of the Eastern father shall be visited upon the Western sons. Often taking their time, stored up in the genes like baldness or testicular carcinoma, but sometimes on the very same day (Father Quotes)
Given that she barely saw her father, given that she continued to measure out her contact with him, whether to deny herself or to deny him, she could not be sure (Father Quotes)
And so my father changed his name to William Pretty and here he grew up and led an independent life. And if it was not happy, he didn't know it (Father Quotes)
I think it is so glorious, said the American. There is no such mischievous nonsense in all the world as equality. That is what father says. What men ought to want is liberty (Father Quotes)
My mother and I were like two continents moving slowly but inexorably apart; my father, the bridge builder, constantly extending the fragile edifice he had constructed to connect us (Father Quotes)
Humility was a cult in my family. I only got it out of my father by accident when he was very old that he had won an Olympic gold medal (Father Quotes)
We need a new kind of relationship with the Father that drives out fear and mistrust and anxiety and guilt, that permits us to be hopeful and joyous, trusting and compassionate (Father Quotes)
He is the only God man has ever heard of who loves sinners. False gods - the gods of human manufacturing - despise sinners, but the Father of Jesus loves all, no matter what they do (Father Quotes)
The tears of Christ are the pity of God. The gentleness of Jesus is the long suffering of God. The tenderness of Jesus is the love of God. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father (Father Quotes)
When a man induces his wife to turn suspicious thoughts against her own father, then that is surely cause enough for resentment (Father Quotes)
It's all right. I'm not upset. After all, they were just things. When you've lost your mother and your father, you can't care so much about things, can you? (Father Quotes)
History is in a manner a sacred thing, so far as it contains truth; for where truth is, the supreme Father of it may also be said to be, at least, inasmuch as concerns truth (Father Quotes)