Father Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s really important for boys to have a father around, or a grandfather, or an uncle - a man they can really relate to who loves them, and who they know loves them. (Father Quotes)
My father, obviously, and my mother were inspirations. My uncle, Frank Harper, he was an absolute mentor for me. (Father Quotes)
My mother’s father drank and her mother was an unhappy, neurotic woman, and I think she has lived all her life afraid of anyone who drinks for fear something like that might happen to her. (Father Quotes)
The food we ate was Indian, and both my mother and father were very deep into the ancient philosophy of India, so it could well have been an Indian household. (Father Quotes)
My mother never met a gadget she didn’t like. There were tube pans for baking the angel food cakes my father could have after his first heart attack, and Bundt pans and loaf pans and baking pans and grilling pans. (Father Quotes)
I drank for about 25 years getting over the loss of my father and I took the anger out on myself. I did a good job at beating myself up at sometimes. I don’t drink anymore but my alcoholic head occasionally says different. ‘Nil By Mouth’ was a love letter to my father because I needed to resolve some issues in order to be able to forgive him. (Father Quotes)
Since the day I was born, wrestling has sustained me and my family. It’s the way my father fed me; it’s the way I feed my kids. More importantly, wrestling is my greatest release. It’s been such a blessing for me. I can step into the ring and let it all go - all my anger, all my frustration, all my pain. (Father Quotes)
It absolutely helped - to write the father in both ‘Juicy’ and ‘Beasts,’ I had to see the whole story from his point of view. All of a sudden I understood more of what my own father must be going through - the fear, the frustration, the anger... the hope that he’ll leave a legacy. (Father Quotes)
I have a lot of anger about my childhood - being hard of hearing and my relationship with my father. (Father Quotes)
My mother’s family is Christian: her father was a Baptist lay preacher, and her brother, in a leap of Anglican upward mobility, became a vicar in the Church of Wales. But my mother converted to Islam on marrying my father. She was not obliged to; Muslim men are free to marry ahl al-kitab, or people of the Book - among them, Jews and Christians. (Father Quotes)
I’ve always despised old people. I got angry at my father when he began to show signs of age. (Father Quotes)
Now when I was a teenager, I was angsty as any teenager was, but after 17 years of having a mother who was in and out of my life like a yo-yo and a father who was faceless, I was angry. (Father Quotes)
Theses officers were good friends, so it must have been a terrible argument, because the one who played chess with my father was so angry that he walked over to the dentist’s house and got the dentist out of bed and shot him. (Father Quotes)
I barely saw my mother, and the mom I saw was often angry and unhappy. The mother I grew up with is not the mother I know now. It’s not the mother she became after my father died, and that’s been the greatest prize of my life. (Father Quotes)
The day I went to see my father to say I wanted to become an architect, he was a bit surprised, because for him being a builder is much more than being just an architect. He was very angry, and I never thought I could do something else. (Father Quotes)
It’s maybe hard to believe, but as a kid I really had a lot of self-doubts. My father was very ill - he was an alcoholic - so there were a lot of things that built up for me. And because I was going to a Catholic school in a small German town, a lot of it was suppressed. I was angry and didn’t know how to get it out. (Father Quotes)
My father... removed from Kentucky to... Indiana, in my eighth year... It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. There I grew up... Of course when I came of age, I did not know much. Still somehow, I could read, write, and cipher... but that was all. (Father Quotes)
I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. (Father Quotes)
Grissom comes from a place where we know he had a deaf mother, he was raised in a silent household, on some level, had a father who potentially was not around and he learned what he knew by himself in the back yard, with bugs and animals. He’s not comfortable being a supervisor and that’s his problem. (Father Quotes)
In 1966, I bought my parents a carriage clock for their silver wedding anniversary. It was last wound 30 years later, in December 1996, the month my father died. (Father Quotes)
My mother and father had a terrible marriage. They celebrated their wedding anniversary one year with their friends. Why did they celebrate? Maybe because they had lasted so many years without killing each other. (Father Quotes)
In my day, when you called on a girl, her mother was always hollering down to see if she was still unraped, the maid would look in, her father would shuffle his feet in another room. Today the boy calls up, says, ‘Meet you at the back door of Stern’s.’ (Father Quotes)
Becoming a father increases your capacity for love and your level of patience. It opens up another door in a person - a door which you may not even have known was there. That’s what I feel with my son. There’s suddenly another level of love that expands. My son is my greatest joy, out of everything in my life. (Father Quotes)
I don’t write from dreams because I don’t remember mine, but I had a fragment of an image left about twins, whose father was telling them how their lives were going to go for the next eight years. I wrote a scene about that, and then another and then another and then another, and after five months I had 732 pages. (Father Quotes)
I understood from a very young age that school was important and that my parents were making great sacrifices for me. Every morning I saw my father get up and go to a job that he didn’t really like. They came to France for the same reasons all immigrants move to another country - so their kids could have a better way of life. (Father Quotes)
God the Father lives. He hears and answers our prayers in love. The Savior Jesus Christ, resurrected and glorious, lives and reaches out to us in mercy. (Father Quotes)
I think my father had a lot of anti-establishment in him. He came through the 60s. (Father Quotes)
The lunatic populism that preceded the Pearl Harbor bombing is astonishing in its permutations, its crisscrossings. Guys like [Catholic priest and controversial radio broadcaster] Father Coughlin and [racist and anti-Semitic agitator and founder of the Christian Nationalist Crusade] Gerald L.K. Smith started out as share-the-wealth socialists. (Father Quotes)
The same Everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day of your life. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then, and put aside all anxious thoughts. (Father Quotes)
I think in any relationship, even in the healthiest of relationships, we are all parents to each other at times. I think that’s a normal, healthy sort of relationship. I think there are times when we’re each a mother and a father when we need to be. (Father Quotes)