Father Quotes

Text Quotes
I often compare myself as a kid to my own grandchildren, who are around 11 and 14 now. That’s the age kids usually read my book. And I remember myself; we’d gone through a world war. My father was an army officer so I was aware of what was going on. But I wasn’t bombarded with images of catastrophe like many kids are today. (Father Quotes)
When I meet someone from the army background, there is an instant connection. We live in the best five-star hotels of the world, but outside my home I will be equally comfortable in any army cantonment or army guest house. Telling my friends that my father was in the army was like telling them that he is the second-richest man in the world. (Father Quotes)
Our Father Who Art in Heaven gathered more meaning for me as my own father joined the Maker when I was still in school. (Father Quotes)
Art was a way of life in my family. My grandfather, N.C. Wyeth, who died a year before I was born, had been a prominent painter. So was my father, Andrew. My two aunts and two of my uncles also earned a living as painters. (Father Quotes)
I was born knowing that I had to be a painter, because my father, an art historian, always presented painting as the only acceptable thing in life. (Father Quotes)
There was no theater in my high school. I think even our art program was cut - it was so bad. I didn’t even know that was a possibility in college or in high school; I hadn’t even thought of it. It was pretty negligent. My father has run a bulldozer all of his life, and my mom is in real estate. (Father Quotes)
When Socrates was about 30, and his father was long dead, he was still pursuing the art of sculpture, but from necessity, and without much inclination. (Father Quotes)
I was a child of a single mother/art teacher, and a father who was an architect, so I’ve always been around the combination of art, fine art, and architecture my entire life. (Father Quotes)
My father was a professional artist all his life who encouraged my path as an artist (Father Quotes)
It used to be, on TV, you’d see only two types of Asians. You’d see the science geek who’s using his mobile phone or something like that, or you’d see a very token Asian family - yuppie mother and father and two little Asian kids. It’s the last barrier for Hollywood. (Father Quotes)
Absolutely father knows best, always do what your fathers say, and if you can’t find one then just ask me, I am a father and I know best. (Father Quotes)
We are all busy. It’s easy to find excuses for not reaching out to others, but I imagine they will sound as hollow to our Heavenly Father as the elementary school boy who gave his teacher a note asking that he be excused from school March 30th through the 34th. (Father Quotes)
When I was in college at Amherst, my father asked me a favor: to take one course in economics. I loved it - for the challenge of its mysteries. (Father Quotes)
I had to get good grades and do well in school - my mother was an assistant principal and my father was a teacher - and they took this very seriously. (Father Quotes)
I am assuming my father learned at an early age that there is nothing more dangerous than showing your true self. I think a lot of us learn that, and it actually may be true. (Father Quotes)
Your help comes from the Lord God who made heaven, earth and you! Grab your mission; that’s your father’s assignment for you! No one can stop you from attaining success with the assignment your father gave you to do! (Father Quotes)
I was baptized Methodist, but I was mainly raised First Church of NFL, which is to say that my family, especially my father, was much more concerned with watching football on Sundays than attending services. (Father Quotes)
In contrast to how my father treated me, I won’t hit him, I won’t call him evil, I’ll give him affection, and I’ll pay attention to him. (Father Quotes)
-mediocre, arrogant as his father, a determined rule-breaker, delighted to find himself famous, attention-seeking and impertinent -‘ said Severus. ‘You see what you expect to see, Severus.’ said Dumbledore. (Father Quotes)
My father instilled in me the attitude of prevailing. If there’s a challenge, go for it. If there’s a wall to break down, break it down. (Father Quotes)
On a personal level, I’ve seen a lot in my time as attorney general, but few things have affected me as greatly as my visit to Ferguson. I had the chance to meet with the family of Michael Brown. I spoke to them not just as attorney general but as a father of a teenage son myself. (Father Quotes)
One key and defining attribute of God that does not appear in any other world religion or system is the biblical use of the term Father. Over 70 times in the New Testament alone, God is described as Father to His children. No major world religion describes the relationship between its creator and its adherents in terms of a father. (Father Quotes)
I don’t write about the intimate details of my cousins and aunts and uncles, and my mother and my father because it’s not right to, for me. (Father Quotes)
I was raised in Austin, Texas, around trial lawyers. My friend and I - we were 14 - would go and watch her father try cases. I also heard of lot of Baptist preachers in little churches saying crazy things with such conviction. (Father Quotes)
My father was a die maker for 39 years, so I had a basic understanding of the automobile industry and what the manufacturing world was like, just from the opportunity to spend time with him - just talking, because he was a car buff. (Father Quotes)
I didn’t get to college until my 20s, because I was a young father on welfare and had to take all kind of jobs to support my young son. There’s what frames my view on the topics I discuss on my shows, and the average person relates to that. No matter how many degrees I have now, I lived that life, and that comes through to the people watching. (Father Quotes)
I thought of my father and felt a deep sorrow that he should no longer be alive, and that I could not go to him and tell him that I had been awarded the Nobel Prize. I knew that no one would have been happier than he to hear this. (Father Quotes)
I tried to stick to my game plan, which was always being aware of what my A story was - the love story between a father and his son, and that son and his daughter. (Father Quotes)
My father, my mother, and then my father was always on top of me - ‘Keep your nose clean. Do you love what you’re doing?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Then be aware, or you’re going to lose it.’ (Father Quotes)
In ‘Hardflip,’ you have a relationship where the father and son haven’t seen each other in 18 years, but they find they’re very alike: pigheaded, stubborn, passionate. It’s a wonderful story of how you can’t get away from how similar you and your children are. (Father Quotes)