Favorite Places Quotes
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Text Quotes
My favorite place to vacation is anyplace by the ocean (Favorite Places Quotes)
Out of all the places in the world, Jamaica is my favorite place (Favorite Places Quotes)
New Hampshire’s one of my favorite places (Favorite Places Quotes)
My favorite place in L.A. is Manhattan Beach. It’s an intimate, friendly little beachside city within a city-smaller than most of its neighbors, so it reminds me of a British seaside resort. If my three teenage sons are in town, we’ll play some cricket on the flat, hard sand where the water breaks, just to really confuse the locals! (Favorite Places Quotes)
If you look at the statistics, people spend most of their time in the kitchen. Aside from the backyard, it’s one of my favorite places to renovate. (Favorite Places Quotes)
I’m always nervous before I go on stage, but once I’m out there everything is great and it’s my favorite place to be. (Favorite Places Quotes)
I’ve always found ideas everywhere, but my favorite place is Nordstrom, because of their liberal return policies for those ideas that don’t work out. (Favorite Places Quotes)
Paris is my favorite place in the world. I’ve never been there, at all... But I wanna live there, even though I’ve never been. (Favorite Places Quotes)
I wanna be the smile you put on your face. I wanna be your hands when you say your grace. I wanna be whatever is your favorite place, oh I just wanna be close (Favorite Places Quotes)
Ginny’s Little Longhorn is my favorite place to play and hang because it’s close to old school beer joint music venue as you’ll ever find. The Continental Club is also in the top as well. (Favorite Places Quotes)
Museums that aren’t perfect are the ones that I love. Museums that aren’t overdesigned. I always like to visit the strange, odd museums. In New York, the Frick is absolutely my favorite, favorite place because I like to think that it was someone’s home not that long ago. (Favorite Places Quotes)
Touring is my favorite part of being a musician. All the places I’ve traveled and lived affect me in many different ways. Good and bad. (Favorite Places Quotes)
Personally, Miami was not my favorite place. Vacationing there is great: You go for three days and get some sun, and it’s time to go home. When they told me it doesn’t get any colder than 50 degrees, that sold me. We get below-zero weather in Cleveland. I can’t wait to have a sunny Christmas. It will definitely be an adjustment, but we’ll make it. We’re not complaining. (Favorite Places Quotes)
I honestly kind of hate shopping. My favorite places to shop are rich old lady consignment stores. (Favorite Places Quotes)
My husband is a musician, and ‘Paste’ is one of his favorite places to be interviewed by (Favorite Places Quotes)
First Avenue is one of my favorite places to play. All along, they’ve treated me with respect. (Favorite Places Quotes)
Bali is one of my favorite places in the world. In one of my past lives, I believe I was living on the island of Bali. (Favorite Places Quotes)
My father was in the Army and we moved around a lot, and one of my favorite places was the library (Favorite Places Quotes)
I always like to find those little mom-and-pop sandwich places, or diners. Those are my favorite kind of places (Favorite Places Quotes)
I love Amsterdam. The city is vibrant and alive. It’s fresh and so open. It’s definitely one of my favorite places (Favorite Places Quotes)
The first step in spiritual life is to have compassion. A person who is kind and loving never needs to go searching for God. God rushes toward any heart that beats with compassion-it is God’s favorite place (Favorite Places Quotes)
It was also, however, a favorite place for novices to stand and wait for innocent students to slip up by talking too loudly between classes. No novice has ever been created that could keep Gina quiet, however (Favorite Places Quotes)
I’ve been to Chicago a lot - it’s one of my favorite places. My wife is from Chicago, and I worked in the theater there a lot (Favorite Places Quotes)
Oh, the Places You’ll Go!,’ by Dr. Seuss, is still one of my favorite books ever (Favorite Places Quotes)
England is one of my favorite places. The fans are just so crazy (Favorite Places Quotes)
Some of my favorite places I have been in my life exist only in dreams (Favorite Places Quotes)
A thong. God bless the thong. He hooked his fingers in the silk sides and tugged, rolling the silk down her legs until it hit the floor, his favorite place for panties (Favorite Places Quotes)
YouTube is very addictive. I refused to put it on my favorite places because it's too easy to go there (Favorite Places Quotes)
My goal has always been to play golf, and play it well. In the end, that’s what I am, a golfer. If my back lets me, I’m going to play my favorite places. If I hurt myself, that’ll probably be it for a while (Favorite Places Quotes)
Honestly, I have yet to encounter a really bad working experience. Sets are really my favorite places to be because of the many varied and interesting people you get to meet, interact and collaborate with. And I have always developed strong bonds with female costars. No cattiness yet! (Favorite Places Quotes)
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