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Fear Quotes

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I neither complain of the past, nor do I fear the future  (Fear Quotes) Dictators lead through fear; good coaches do not  (Fear Quotes) Courage is the power of the mind to overcome fear  (Fear Quotes) A warrior never worries about his fear  (Fear Quotes) Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear  (Fear Quotes) Goin insane, never die, live eternal, who shall I fear?  (Fear Quotes) Anger, hatred, fear, is very bad for our health  (Fear Quotes) Perfectionism is the fear of being criticized  (Fear Quotes) He who fears he will suffer, already suffers from his fear  (Fear Quotes) To fear love is to fear life  (Fear Quotes) The purpose of fear is to determine how badly you want your dream  (Fear Quotes) You want to be a hero? Learn to create certainty in the face of fear  (Fear Quotes) O friend, never strike sail to a fear!  (Fear Quotes) The fear of doing right is the grand treason in times of danger  (Fear Quotes) The ghost is the outward and visible signs of an inward fear  (Fear Quotes) The cause of poverty is not scarcity. It is fear and small thinking  (Fear Quotes) Death is nothing to fear. It is only another dimension  (Fear Quotes) The fear of war is worse than war itself  (Fear Quotes) Keep conscience clear, then never fear  (Fear Quotes) The less there is of fear, the less there is of danger  (Fear Quotes) If there is one thing which I would banish from the earth it is fear  (Fear Quotes) Fear is contagious. You can catch it  (Fear Quotes) Let fear be a counselor and not a jailer  (Fear Quotes) The habit of doing one’s duty drives away fear  (Fear Quotes) Worry is a form of fear  (Fear Quotes) Worry is a state of mind based on fear  (Fear Quotes) A decision made from fear is always the wrong decision  (Fear Quotes) Hit the delete button every time fear appears  (Fear Quotes) Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear  (Fear Quotes) When you run in fear, it’s square into the wall  (Fear Quotes)
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