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Fear Quotes

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Everything you do is triggered by an emotion of either desire or fear  (Fear Quotes) The only thing we have to fear on this planet is man  (Fear Quotes) A perfect faith would lift us absolutely above fear  (Fear Quotes) Fear or stupidity has always been the basis of most human actions  (Fear Quotes) Don’t fear change. It’s always for the best  (Fear Quotes) Fear of knowing is very deeply a fear of doing  (Fear Quotes) Fear is what prevents the flowering of the mind  (Fear Quotes) The law works fear and wrath; grace works hope and mercy  (Fear Quotes) The things we fear the most have already happened to us  (Fear Quotes) Danger is very real but fear is a choice  (Fear Quotes) Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure  (Fear Quotes) Let the fear go, and live your life with the power of love  (Fear Quotes) They are slaves who fear to speak, for the fallen and the weak  (Fear Quotes) Those who fear death most are those who enjoy life least  (Fear Quotes) My big fear was that my guitar would go out of tune  (Fear Quotes) There is nothing to fear from someone who shouts  (Fear Quotes) To hell with pleasure that’s haunted by fear  (Fear Quotes) One need not fear for the future of music  (Fear Quotes) Those who are truly brave, shall never live in fear  (Fear Quotes) All fear violence, all are afraid of death  (Fear Quotes) It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid  (Fear Quotes) You have to keep your vision clear, cause only a coward lives in fear  (Fear Quotes) We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it  (Fear Quotes) Do what you fear and your fear will die  (Fear Quotes) The opposite of courage is not so much fear as it is conformity  (Fear Quotes) I steer my bark with hope in the head, leaving fear astern  (Fear Quotes) Cruelty and fear shake hands together  (Fear Quotes) Has fear ever held a man back from anything he really wanted?  (Fear Quotes) Fear that makes faith may break faith  (Fear Quotes) You have got to control your fear, get in control of your emotions  (Fear Quotes)
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