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Fear Quotes

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Fear has many faces  (Fear Quotes) Never let the fear of striking out get in your way  (Fear Quotes) In contrast, fear societies are societies in which dissent is banned  (Fear Quotes) Fear not the future, weep not for the past  (Fear Quotes) They hate whom they fear  (Fear Quotes) Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom  (Fear Quotes) Every man, through fear, mugs his aspirations a dozen times a day  (Fear Quotes) Why fear death? It is the most beautiful adventure in life  (Fear Quotes) Let your hope of heaven master your fear of death  (Fear Quotes) Fear is the mother of foresight  (Fear Quotes) Fear is excitement without breath  (Fear Quotes) Do what you fear most and you control fear  (Fear Quotes) I fear those big words which make us so unhappy  (Fear Quotes) Fear created the first gods in the world  (Fear Quotes) Watch thou and fear; tomorrow thou shalt die  (Fear Quotes) It will lead to nothing, I fear, sir  (Fear Quotes) No, we don’t fear anything  (Fear Quotes) Worse than war is the very fear of war  (Fear Quotes) Rugby is a game for men with no fear of brain injury  (Fear Quotes) Anxiety is fear of one’s self  (Fear Quotes) Fear, indeed, is the mother of foresight…  (Fear Quotes) Do not fear the lack of knowledge, fear false knowledge  (Fear Quotes) Men out of fear will cling to the thing they most fear  (Fear Quotes) I won’t allow myself to have tremendous fear  (Fear Quotes) In the beginning, fear was the dominant motivating force  (Fear Quotes) Fear is proof of a degenerate mind  (Fear Quotes) The person I fear most in the last two rounds is myself  (Fear Quotes) The roots of homophobia are fear. Fear and more fear  (Fear Quotes) I play with a fear of letting people down. That’s what motivates me  (Fear Quotes) I have deposited some of my journals here for fear of accidents  (Fear Quotes)
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