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Fear Quotes

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Fear of corrupting the mind of the younger generation is the loftiest form of cowardice  (Fear Quotes) Afraid? I can dodge folly without backing into fear  (Fear Quotes) Fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than danger itself  (Fear Quotes) There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth  (Fear Quotes) Behind every bad law, a deep fear  (Fear Quotes) All the energy of their frustration and fear going into their laughter  (Fear Quotes) Every time we choose safety, we reinforce fear  (Fear Quotes) When you were in love you knew no fear or hatred  (Fear Quotes) Brave soldier, never fear. Even though your death is near  (Fear Quotes) Boredom is a pleasing antidote for fear  (Fear Quotes) Best way to deal with fear is to face the nightmare!  (Fear Quotes) When faced with something I fear, I tend to eat spaghetti  (Fear Quotes) Fear is often disguised as moral outrage  (Fear Quotes) Sometimes it is right to fear the dark  (Fear Quotes) Courage is simply fear that has said it’s prayers!  (Fear Quotes) Nothing reaches inside you and grabs you by the guts the way fear does  (Fear Quotes) Don’t fear tomorrow, till today’s done with you  (Fear Quotes) Anger prepares us to fight and fear prepares us to flee  (Fear Quotes) Fear is the polio of the soul which prevents our walking by faith  (Fear Quotes) I fear that we shall be obliged to leave this pudding  (Fear Quotes) People fear what they can’t understand and harm what they fear  (Fear Quotes) The dead have never bothered me. It’s the living that I fear  (Fear Quotes) Fear beyond rational limits forces people to cling to normality  (Fear Quotes) Pain is always emotional. Fear and depression keep constant company with chronic hurting  (Fear Quotes) The real malady is fear of life, not of death  (Fear Quotes) My love, I fear the silence of your hands  (Fear Quotes) It is far better to put away fear than to be driven by it  (Fear Quotes) You can’t make people love you but you can make them fear you  (Fear Quotes) The people can be forced to fear, but not to love  (Fear Quotes) If the prisoner is beaten, it is an arrogant expression of fear  (Fear Quotes)
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