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Fear Quotes

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A man without hope is a man without fear  (Fear Quotes) Without fear and disease, my life would be like a boat without oars  (Fear Quotes) A man´s level of dignity must always be above his level of fear  (Fear Quotes) Let them hate me, so long as they fear me!  (Fear Quotes) Waves are not measured in feet or inches, they are measured in increments of fear  (Fear Quotes) Fear of difference is fear of life itself  (Fear Quotes) Losing is not my enemy.. fear of losing is my enemy  (Fear Quotes) I don’t fear stopping a 100 mph slap shot. I fear not stopping it!  (Fear Quotes) Without a rope there is no fear beacuse to fall is unthinkable  (Fear Quotes) Fear must be entirely banished. The purified soul will fear nothing  (Fear Quotes) When in fear, it is safest to force the attack  (Fear Quotes) We learn courageous action by going forward whenever fear urges us back  (Fear Quotes) Sleep. To lie down and shut out the noise, the fear, the unceasing misery  (Fear Quotes) Fear is the reason for making art. It is a means to freedom  (Fear Quotes) Success is doing what it takes in spite of one’s fear  (Fear Quotes) Courage can be just as infectious as fear  (Fear Quotes) Faith is the only known cure for fear  (Fear Quotes) When fear seizes, change what you are doing. You are doing something wrong  (Fear Quotes) Only your mind can produce fear  (Fear Quotes) Fear is the great barrier to human growth  (Fear Quotes) Fear does not prevent death. It prevents life  (Fear Quotes) Fear him, whom you hate  (Fear Quotes) True devotion is for itself: not to desire heaven nor to fear hell  (Fear Quotes) Respect all. Fear none  (Fear Quotes) In a climate of uncertainty and fear, without strong and visionary leadership, people panic  (Fear Quotes) Defeat begins with the fear that one has lost  (Fear Quotes) No real journalist makes $5 million a year... Those in power fear and dislike real journalists  (Fear Quotes) In the end, my love for surfing helped me overcome my fear of sharks  (Fear Quotes) Love is bigger then a tsunami, stronger then any fear  (Fear Quotes) Running, I soon realized, was the best way to stay ahead of fear  (Fear Quotes)
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