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Fear Quotes

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The other side of every fear is a freedom  (Fear Quotes) I scorn their hatred, if they do but fear me  (Fear Quotes) Prescription for writer’s block: fear of poverty  (Fear Quotes) Fear sees a ceiling. Hope sees the stars  (Fear Quotes) Believe, don’t fear, believe  (Fear Quotes) Never allow your fear to grow larger than your faith  (Fear Quotes) Don’t let fear decide your future  (Fear Quotes) Fear is for people who don’t get out very much  (Fear Quotes) All stress is ultimately related to loss or the fear of loss  (Fear Quotes) Fear is at the heart of most of our worst choices  (Fear Quotes) Learn to reverence night and to put away the vulgar fear of it  (Fear Quotes) Fear is a bigger disability than having no arms and no legs  (Fear Quotes) Work honestly, meditate everyday, meet people without fear and play  (Fear Quotes) Fear is your worst enemy. Risk is your best friend  (Fear Quotes) I like to do something I fear  (Fear Quotes) Don’t let the fear of not pleasing someone stop you from being creative  (Fear Quotes) You have to have fear in order to have courage  (Fear Quotes) When one’s mind is made up... fear diminishes  (Fear Quotes) You are either withholding your love in fear or giving your deepest gifts  (Fear Quotes) Fear is the mortal enemy of creativity, innovation, and happiness  (Fear Quotes) People fear they won’t get what they want  (Fear Quotes) Not being happy really is my fear  (Fear Quotes) Never fear being a petty fool it means you ain’t dying  (Fear Quotes) Obedience isn’t a lack of fear. It’s just doing it scared  (Fear Quotes) Heroes and cowards feel the same fear and action creates opportunities  (Fear Quotes) Fear is a survival tool not a handicap  (Fear Quotes) In fear, we expect; with love, we accept  (Fear Quotes) Living in fear is just another way of dying before your time  (Fear Quotes) Anxiety is the fear of one’s self  (Fear Quotes) Fear, safety, and conformity make you mediocre and average  (Fear Quotes)
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