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Fear Quotes

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Your fear seems to hide deep inside your mind  (Fear Quotes) Take pictures of what you fear  (Fear Quotes) For fear will rob him of all if he gives too much  (Fear Quotes) Where then shall hope and fear their objects find?  (Fear Quotes) Horror films don’t create fear. They release it  (Fear Quotes) America as a nation cannot walk in faith and fear at the same time  (Fear Quotes) Go out into the world and run straight at whatever you fear the most  (Fear Quotes) As fear is a close companion to falsehood, so truth follows fearlessness  (Fear Quotes) Belief compelled through fear is not belief, it is blind and forced obedience  (Fear Quotes) Fear can be the result of admiration, or it can be a symptom of contempt  (Fear Quotes) Pain explains a great deal of human conduct, but the fear of pain even more  (Fear Quotes) If people did not fear me so, how could anyone tolerate me?  (Fear Quotes) Fear is a powerful beast, if it is allowed the mastery  (Fear Quotes) Habit, laziness, and fear conspire to keep us comfortably within the familiar  (Fear Quotes) To conquer fear, you must become fear  (Fear Quotes) After a while, the fear became a habit, too  (Fear Quotes) The fear of offending can be stronger than the fear of pain  (Fear Quotes) Hate can be passionate or disengaged; it can come from dislike but also from fear  (Fear Quotes) I regret nothing and fear less  (Fear Quotes) In this county, we had to walk, eat, sleep and love in fear  (Fear Quotes) Do not fear. Some things will never change  (Fear Quotes) Always be courageous and strong, and don’t fear  (Fear Quotes) Fear and lies fester in darkness. The truth may wound, but it cuts clean  (Fear Quotes) I never allowed my fear to limit me  (Fear Quotes) There is no worse emotion than fear  (Fear Quotes) There is no fear. There are only two things. Trained and untrained  (Fear Quotes) We fear not the truth, even if it be gloomy, but its counterfeit  (Fear Quotes) You’re only limited by your lack of imagination and fear of appearing stupid  (Fear Quotes) Fashion is like life. It needs fear and uncertainty if you are to move forward  (Fear Quotes) Change arises from conviction. Stop voting in fear. Start voting for hope  (Fear Quotes)
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