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Fear Quotes

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Hatred and dishonesty generally arises from fear of being deceived  (Fear Quotes) Every fear is fear of death  (Fear Quotes) Passionate people invariably deny their anger, and cowards often boast their ignorance of fear  (Fear Quotes) A man is not dependent upon his fellow creature, when he does not fear death  (Fear Quotes) I will gather myself around my faith, for light does the darkness most fear  (Fear Quotes) Fear is strong, but faith is stronger yet  (Fear Quotes) Small choices add up and each positive choice you make increases confidence and dispels fear  (Fear Quotes) I never fear my opponent, for me he only represents a new challenge to conquer  (Fear Quotes) Bad choices almost always result from making a choice out of fear  (Fear Quotes) I was diagnosed with paranoia for fear of never smoking weed again  (Fear Quotes) I fear no man. If you breathe oxygen, I do not fear you  (Fear Quotes) I have fears, but I do not fear anything or anybody on the court  (Fear Quotes) Ridicule is a public confession of fear  (Fear Quotes) Fear is the most valuable commodity in the universe  (Fear Quotes) How do you scare some sense into a child who doesn’t fear death?  (Fear Quotes) Do not fear the digital world, it will not kill us all  (Fear Quotes) The eyes shout what the lips fear to say  (Fear Quotes) We must rewrite our story from one of fear to one of celebration  (Fear Quotes) Fear is one thing that can ruin everything. It’s the greatest problem  (Fear Quotes) The fear of old age disturbs us, yet we are not certain of becoming old  (Fear Quotes) Thought nourishes, sustains and gives continuity to fear and pleasure  (Fear Quotes) A new power is emerging on the world stage born of love not fear  (Fear Quotes) In fear we are acting on fiction and in love we are acting on truth  (Fear Quotes) If not for the cost burdens of fear we would all be living in paradise  (Fear Quotes) Simple duty hath no place for fear  (Fear Quotes) The absence of fear is love  (Fear Quotes) From fear of the unknown, both horns and wings have grown  (Fear Quotes) Learning how to face fear really makes you invincible because you stop being scared  (Fear Quotes) Why fear death? Death is only a beautiful adventure  (Fear Quotes) We might remember... not to fear death; it is the only way to be cleansed  (Fear Quotes)
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