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Fear Quotes

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Courage is doing your duty in the face of fear  (Fear Quotes) When you combine boring with fear, you have fun  (Fear Quotes) The fear that all this will end. The fear that it won’t  (Fear Quotes) The intensest form of hatred is that rooted in fear  (Fear Quotes) Fear is the soul’s signal for rallying  (Fear Quotes) Experiment has a stimulus which withers its fear  (Fear Quotes) Noble hearts are neither jealous nor afraid because jealousy spells doubt and fear spells pettiness  (Fear Quotes) If we have confidence in our own beliefs, we should not fear freedom of thought  (Fear Quotes) People tend to fear what they do not know, and what they fear they dislike  (Fear Quotes) By and large, nothing is as bad as you fear, or as good as you hope  (Fear Quotes) When knowledge comes in at the door, fear and superstition fly out of the window  (Fear Quotes) A great philosophy is not a philosophy without reproach; it is philosophy without fear  (Fear Quotes) Do something that scares you every day. You have nothing to lose but fear itself  (Fear Quotes) People fear the unforeseen and the unseen. Truth be told we all fear the unseen  (Fear Quotes) Fear travels fast. Love travels a little more slowly. Rationale takes a little more consideration  (Fear Quotes) I fear the financial crisis of 1998 may become the trade crisis of 1999  (Fear Quotes) So when I look in the mirror I’m driven by both vanity and fear  (Fear Quotes) Usually the things you dislike in a person are his defenses against fear  (Fear Quotes) Despite what some would have us believe, success is not built on resentment and fear  (Fear Quotes) He forgot his wounds, his hunger and thirst, and became fear; hopeless fear  (Fear Quotes) As a parent my greatest fear is always anything that endangers my children  (Fear Quotes) I’m not happy unless I’ve got a little bit of fear going  (Fear Quotes) As for inspiration, I find stark fear of missing the deadline very inspiring  (Fear Quotes) No government can be maintained without the principle of fear as well as duty  (Fear Quotes) If fear grows fat on the energy you feed it, you have to talk it down  (Fear Quotes) The purpose of torture is not getting information. It’s spreading fear  (Fear Quotes) Our comparative fidelity was fear of defeat at the hands of another partner  (Fear Quotes) While the best men are guided by love, most mean are still goaded by fear  (Fear Quotes) Perhaps your fear in passing judgement is greater than mine in receiving it  (Fear Quotes) Fear and complacency allow power to accumulate and liberty and privacy to suffer  (Fear Quotes)
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