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Fear Quotes

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The ancient image of God whispers within every man of everlasting hope; somewhere he will continue to exist. Still he cannot rejoice, for the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world troubles his conscience, frightening him with proofs of guilt and evidences of coming death. So is he ground between the upper millstone of hope and the nether stone of fear  (Fear Quotes) A miser is sometimes a grand personification of fear. He has a fine horror of poverty; and he is not content to keep want from the door, or at arm's length, but he places it, by heaping wealth upon wealth, at a sublime distance!  (Fear Quotes) So he is putting down junk and coming on with tea. I take three drags, Jane looked at him and her flesh crystallized. I leaped up screaming "I got the fear!" and ran out of the house. Drank a beer in a little restaurant - mosaic bar and soccer scores and bullfight posters - and waited for the bus to town. A year later in Tangier I heard she was dead  (Fear Quotes) We need not fear that in seeking God only we may narrow our lives or restrict the motions of our expanding hearts. The opposite is true. We can well afford to make God our All, to concentrate, to sacrifice the many for the One  (Fear Quotes) By the time we are women, fear is as familiar to us as air. It is our element. We live in it, we inhale it, we exhale it, and most of the time we do not even notice it. Instead of I am afraid, we say, I don't want to, or I don't know how, or I can't  (Fear Quotes) All that ever holds somebody back, I think, is fear. For a minute I had fear. [Then] I went into the [dressing] room and shot my fear in the face  (Fear Quotes) Feeling shy is simply replacing courage with the feeling and fear of how others will perceive or what they will say about us after and act. Courage dares regardless  (Fear Quotes) It's not the honors and the prizes and the fancy outsides of life that ultimately nourish our souls. It's the knowing that we can be trusted, that we never have to fear the truth, that the bedrock of our very being is firm  (Fear Quotes) One of the universal fears of childhood is the fear of not having value in the eyes of the people whom we admire so much  (Fear Quotes) It's not the honors and the prizes and the fancy outsides of life which ultimately nourish our souls. It's the knowing that we can be trusted, that we never have to fear the truth, that the bedrock of our very being is good stuff  (Fear Quotes) We are fated to love one another; we hardly exist outside our love, we are just animals without it, with a birth and a death and constant fear between. Our love has lifted us up, out of the dreadfulness of merely living  (Fear Quotes) Because no windows were open and the air was so still and cold that the trees dared not move for fear of encountering more of it than they had to, Christiana thought that she had entered a city of the dead  (Fear Quotes) This is devotion to God - the fear of God, which is an attitude of reverence and awe, veneration, and honor toward Him, coupled with an apprehension deep within our souls of the love of God for us, demonstrated preeminently in Christ's atoning death. These two attitudes complement and reinforce each other, producing within our souls an intense desire for this One who is so awesome in His glory and majesty, yet so condescending in His love and mercy  (Fear Quotes) Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28)  (Fear Quotes) Fear is an inhibitor that has kept more people from fulfilling their destiny than any other one emotion  (Fear Quotes) The people who fear humour - and they are many - are suspicious of its power to present things in unexpected lights, to question received opinions and to suggest unforeseen possibilities  (Fear Quotes) I have no skills with machines. I fear them, and because I cannot help attributing human qualities to them, I suspect that they hate me and will kill me if they can  (Fear Quotes) In every cry of every man, in every infant's cry of fear, in every voice, in every ban, the mind forged manacles i hear  (Fear Quotes) Men fear Death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other  (Fear Quotes) The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time  (Fear Quotes) The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, but raptors are pretty dang scary  (Fear Quotes) Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours  (Fear Quotes) Yet do I fear thy nature; it is too full o' the milk of human kindness  (Fear Quotes) I have always felt that doubt was the beginning of wisdom, and the fear of God was the end of wisdom  (Fear Quotes) The fear of God is not the beginning of wisdom. The fear of God is the death of wisdom. Skepticism and doubt lead to study and investigation, and investigation is the beginning of wisdom  (Fear Quotes) The origin of the absurd idea of immortal life is easy to discover; it is kept alive by hope and fear, by childish faith, and by cowardice  (Fear Quotes) Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity  (Fear Quotes) We are wrong to fear superiority of mind and soul; this superiority is very moral, for understanding everything makes a person tolerant and the capacity to feel deeply inspires great goodness  (Fear Quotes) Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end  (Fear Quotes) When you go to Washington now, you can feel a sense of fear in the air – the fear to do anything, or say anything, that might affect the polls, or give the other side an advantage, or offend a special interest  (Fear Quotes)
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