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Fear Quotes

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I do not trust those who make the vaccines, or the apparatus behind it all to push it on us through fear  (Fear Quotes) My greatest fear is the Iranians acquire a nuclear weapon and give it to a terrorist organization. And there is a real threat of them doing that  (Fear Quotes) I hate speaking in front of a large audience. I don't know where it came from... But its just this gut-wrenching fear of slipping up and doing something horrible  (Fear Quotes) The fear of missing out means today's media, more than ever before, hunts in a pack. In these modes it is like a feral beast, just tearing people and reputations to bits. But no-one dares miss out  (Fear Quotes) The components of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do  (Fear Quotes) Hope is our life when first our life grows clear, hope and delight, scarce crossed by lines of fear: yet the day comes when fain we would not hope - but for as much as we with life must cope, struggling with this and that - and who knows why? Hope will not give us up to certainty, but still must bide with us  (Fear Quotes) The dreadful fear of hell is to be driven out, which disturbs the life of man and renders it miserable, overcasting all things with the blackness of darkness, and leaving no pure, unalloyed pleasure  (Fear Quotes) And all the bustle of departure - sometimes sad, sometimes intoxicating - just as fear or hope may be inspired by the new chances of coming destiny  (Fear Quotes) The man who goes through life with an uncertain doctrine not knowing what he believes, what a poor, powerless creature he is! He goes around through the world as a man goes down through the street with a poor, wounded arm, forever dodging people be meets on the street for fear they may touch him  (Fear Quotes) Never fear to bring the sublimest motive to the smallest duty, and the most infinite comfort to the smallest trouble  (Fear Quotes) Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics. It pretends not to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus. It pretends to respect human rights. It pretends to prosecute no one. It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing  (Fear Quotes) Ah! Wilt thou leave me then without one kiss, to slay the very seeds of fear and doubt, that glad tomorrow may bring certain bliss? Hast thou forgotten how love lives by this, the memory of some hopeful close embrace, low whispered words within some lonely place?  (Fear Quotes) When someone says that I'm angry it's actually a compliment. I have not always been direct with my anger in my relationships, which is part of why I'd write about it in my songs because I had such fear around expressing anger as a woman  (Fear Quotes) As you know from school, it's when you have not prepared for the test that you have the fear of failing. And if you have prepared, even if you fail, you've done your best  (Fear Quotes) I try to get in quiet time and book time, but really, the only time I ever get that is when I'm on an airplane - I have a fear of flying, but I actually love flying because it's the only time I can sleep, and it's the only time I get to read  (Fear Quotes) I just want my family to be safe. Because I am sometimes polarizing, I fear for their safety  (Fear Quotes) Chance cannot touch me! Time cannot hush me! Fear, hope, and longing, at strife, sink as I rise, on, on, upward forever, gathering strength, gaining breath, - naught can sever me from the spirit of life!  (Fear Quotes) Hate and fear are not wanted here, nor toys nor country lovers, everything they took from my new poem book but the flyleaf and the covers  (Fear Quotes) Love, fear and hate and childish toys are here discreetly blent; admire, you ladies, read, you boys, my country sentiment  (Fear Quotes) Hate is a fear, and fear is rot that cankers root and fruit alike, fight cleanly then, hate not, fear not, strike with no madness when you strike  (Fear Quotes) Fear in your heart cries to the loving-cup: sorrow to sorrow as the sparks fly upward. The log groans and confesses there is one story and one story only  (Fear Quotes) There's a cool web of language winds us in, retreat from too much joy or too much fear: We grow sea-green at last and coldly die In brininess and volubility  (Fear Quotes) Trench stinks of shallow buried dead Where Tom stands at the periscope, tired out. After nine months he's shed all fear, all faith, all hate, all hope  (Fear Quotes) One might almost fear, writes a thoughtful woman, seeing how the women of to-day are lightly stirred up to run after some new fashion or faith, that heaven is not so near to them as it was to their mothers and grandmothers  (Fear Quotes) The Enlightenment has always aimed at liberating men from fear and establishing their sovereignty. Yet the fully enlightened Earth radiates disaster triumphant  (Fear Quotes) Opinion of ghosts, ignorance of second causes, devotion to what men fear, and talking of things casual for prognostics, consisteth the natural seeds of religion  (Fear Quotes) Covenants, without the sword, are but words, and of no strength to secure a man at all. The bonds of words are too weak to bridle man's ambition, avarice, anger, and other passions, without the fear of some coercive power  (Fear Quotes) There is no such thing as perpetual tranquility of mind, while we live here; because life itself is but motion, and can never be without desire, nor without fear, no more than without sense  (Fear Quotes) The passions that incline men to peace are fear of death, desire of such things as are necessary to commodious living, and a hope by their industry to obtain them  (Fear Quotes) No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short  (Fear Quotes)
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