Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes

Text Quotes
As I have not worried to be born, I do not worry to die (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
Life is laughter amid a rosary of death (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
Only mystery allows us to live, only mystery (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
If I told you the whole story it would never end... What’s happened to me has happened to a thousand woman (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
Theatre is poetry that rises from the book and becomes human enough to talk and shout, weep and despair (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
The day hunger disappears, the world will see the greatest spiritual explosion humanity has ever seen (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
A poet must be a professor of the five senses and must open doors among them (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
Today in my heart a vague trembling of stars and all roses are as white as my pain (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
Everyone understands the pain that accompanies death, but genuine pain doesn’t live in the spirit, nor in the air, nor in our lives, nor on these terraces of billowing smoke. The genuine pain that keeps everything awake is a tiny, infinite burn on the innocent eyes of other systems (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
At the heart of all great art is an essential melancholy (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
The night below. We two. Crystal of pain. You wept over great distances. My ache was a clutch of agonies over your sickly heart of sand (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
What you wouldn’t have suspected lives and trembles in the air. Those treasures of the day you keep just out of reach. These come and go in truckloads but no one stops to see them (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
Green, how much I want you green. Green wind. Green branches. The ship upon the sea and the horse in the mountain (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
Ever since I got married I’ve been thinking night and day about whose fault it was, and every time I think about it, out comes a new fault to eat up the old one; but always there’s a fault left (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
I’m satisfied. I am progressively making my life and my name in the surest and purest manner. If I catch on in the theater, as I think I will, all the doors will gladly open wide for me (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
The moon carries the masks of meningitis into bedrooms, fills the wombs of pregnant women with cold water and, as soon as I’m not careful, throws handfuls of grass on my shoulders (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
I’m afraid to be on this shore a trunk without limbs, and what I most regret is not to have flower, pulp, or clay for the worm of my suffering (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
At five in the afternoon. Ah, that fatal five in the afternoon! It was five by all the clocks! It was five in the shade of the afternoon! (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
Seville is a tower full of fine archers... Under the arch of the sky, across the clear plain, she shoots the constant arrow of her river (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
Men like to pleasure us, girl. They like to undo our plaits and give us water to drink from their own mouths. That’s what makes the world go round (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
Woodcutter. Cut my shadow from me. Free me from the torment of being without fruit. Why was I born among mirrors? Day goes round and round me. The night copies me in all its stars. I want to live without my reflection. And then let me dream that ants and thistledown are my leaves and my parrots (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
With their souls of patent leather, they come down the road. Hunched and nocturnal, where they breathe they impose, silence of dark rubber, and fear of fine sand (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
The artist, and particularly the poet, is always an anarchist in the best sense of the word. He must heed only the call that arises within him from three strong voices: the voice of death, with all its foreboding, the voice of love and the voice of art (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
I’ve often lost myself, in order to find the burn that keeps everything awake (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
The weeping of the guitar begins. The goblets of dawn are smashed. The weeping of the guitar begins. Useless to silence it. Impossible to silence it. It weeps monotonously as water weeps as the wind weeps over snowfields. Impossible to silence it. It weeps for distant things. Hot southern sands yearning for white camellias. Weeps arrow without target evening without morning and the first dead bird on the branch. Oh, guitar! Heart mortally wounded by five swords (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
My head is full of fire and grief and my tongue runs wild, pierced with shards of glass (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
I sing your restless longing for the statue, your fear of the feelings that await you in the street. I sing the small sea siren who sings to you, riding her bicycle of corals and conches. But above all I sing a common thought that joins us in the dark and golden hours. The light that blinds our eyes is not art. Rather it is love, friendship, crossed swords (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)
At first glance, the rhythm may be confused with gaiety, but when you look more closely at the mechanism of social life and the painful slavery of both men and machines, you see that it is nothing but a kind of typical, empty anguish that makes even crime and gangs forgivable means of escape (Federico Garcia Lorca Quotes)