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When you pray, you begin to feel the sense of being sent  (Feel Quotes) In the mountains, there you feel free  (Feel Quotes) I’ve never seen a wild thing feel sorry for itself  (Feel Quotes) When I work out, I feel happy, confident, and accomplished  (Feel Quotes) Why do people feel things and go places, tell me if you know  (Feel Quotes) We feel confident that there won’t be an outbreak  (Feel Quotes) Thinking is more stinking than drinking, but to feel is for real  (Feel Quotes) I feel so free and open to ideas, and I get inspired by everything  (Feel Quotes) You feel your game’s raised by working with the best people  (Feel Quotes) I don’t feel I can speak with authority for many other people  (Feel Quotes) I live to feel myself in danger  (Feel Quotes) What is music for? It’s to make you feel good  (Feel Quotes) You can feel very quickly as a prisoner of your past, of the memories  (Feel Quotes) Never ask anyone over 70 how they feel. They’ll tell you  (Feel Quotes) I’m ridiculous to feel ridiculous when I’m not  (Feel Quotes) I feel that true freedom lies within, where I shall never find it  (Feel Quotes) I’m not writing to make anyone’s children feel safe  (Feel Quotes) It is only rogues who feel the restraints of law  (Feel Quotes) One is only happy in proportion as he makes others feel happy  (Feel Quotes) I feel like a mirror reflecting back everyones perception of me  (Feel Quotes) Don’t feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you joy  (Feel Quotes) Pity those who don’t feel anything at all  (Feel Quotes) You don’t need your eyes to love. You just feel it inside you  (Feel Quotes) There are occasions when I would rather feel like a fly than a spider  (Feel Quotes) ... it’s a blessed thing to love and feel loved in return  (Feel Quotes) I feel nothing for you  (Feel Quotes) When a mad man walks naked, it is his kinsmen who feel shame, not himself  (Feel Quotes) Everything that happens to me, I experience it really intensely. I feel it very deeply  (Feel Quotes) What makes earth feel like hell is our expectation that it should feel like heaven  (Feel Quotes) I am not a person of opinions because I feel the counter arguments too strongly  (Feel Quotes)
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