Feel Quotes

Text Quotes
The ideas that come out of most brainstorming sessions are usually superficial, trivial, and not very original. They are rarely useful. The process, however, seems to make uncreative people feel that they are making innovative contributions and that others are listening to them (Feel Quotes)
When you feel alone, may the stars remind you how God wants to lighten up your darkest moments (Feel Quotes)
What makes some people important is not just the happiness you feel when you are with them, but the pain you feel when you miss them (Feel Quotes)
I don't feel bad about online shopping at work. It's the only place where I can spend money while I make it (Feel Quotes)
It hurts the most when the person that made you feel special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today (Feel Quotes)
Whenever I feel weak, I remember those who make me strong. And whenever I start to doubt myself, I remember those who believe in me (Feel Quotes)
I get uncomfortable when pretty people say I'm pretty because I feel like they're being sarcastic (Feel Quotes)
We can smile even though we are hurting and we can feel happy even though we are unhappy. It's called strength (Feel Quotes)
If you have an overbearing and controlling boyfriend or girlfriend I feel sorry for you, because you're dumb enough to put up with It (Feel Quotes)
Promise me no matter how depressing our love lives get, we'll never give up watching romantic comedies that make us feel even worse (Feel Quotes)
Be who you are, and say what you feel. It's not being rude, it's being real (Feel Quotes)
You will make lots of mistakes and you will feel lots of pain, but in life, mistakes make you smarter and pain makes you stronger (Feel Quotes)
What makes people special is not the happiness you feel when you are with them, but rather the pain you feel when they are away from you (Feel Quotes)
Before you say something, stop and think how you'd feel if someone said it to you (Feel Quotes)
Denying what you feel will not make it go away. It ensures that it never gets resolved (Feel Quotes)
Actually, if I don't eat healthy food I don't feel good. For me, I crave healthy food (Feel Quotes)
If you want to feel rich, count all the gifts you have that money can't buy (Feel Quotes)
The greatest joys are found not only in what we do and feel, but also in what we hope for (Feel Quotes)
I am so tired of not knowing whether I love you or I hate you because they both feel the same (Feel Quotes)
A lot of people are obsessed with looking cool. They feel they have to look after their image (Feel Quotes)
When you feel like you're fighting alone in life that's when you should be fighting the hardest (Feel Quotes)
Never tell someone their dreams are impossible. You'll feel like a fool when they prove you wrong (Feel Quotes)
I feel like getting some work done, so I'm going to sit here until the feeling passes (Feel Quotes)
If you got Twitter Drama I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a tweet ain't one (Feel Quotes)
If he let himself feel it, the crack that ran through his heart would widen. It would break him, and he couldn't break. Not here. Not now (Feel Quotes)
Late fragment and did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the Earth (Feel Quotes)
Without thinking, he reached for her hand. Tucked it against her chest, feeling that was where it should be. Perry's heart slammed against his ribs. She had to feel it (Feel Quotes)
It ought to make us feel ashamed when we talk like we know what we're talking about when we talk about love (Feel Quotes)
You see, this happened a few months ago, but it's still going on right now, and it ought to make us feel ashamed when we talk like we know what we're talking about when we talk about love (Feel Quotes)
But I can hardly sit still. I keep fidgeting, crossing one leg and then the other. I feel like I could throw off sparks, or break a window - maybe rearrange all the furniture (Feel Quotes)