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Feelings Quotes

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People’s love of sweets and guilty feelings about overindulgence are pretty universal  (Feelings Quotes) My feelings towards the newspapers are very affectionate  (Feelings Quotes) Writing is a splendid sorter of... feelings, better even than paint  (Feelings Quotes) The feelings of another person should never be imposed upon us as a law  (Feelings Quotes) I want to express my feelings, not illustrate them  (Feelings Quotes) Properly channeled, common feelings of inadequacy lead to powers of accomplishment  (Feelings Quotes) You should not propose marriage until you have resolved your feelings about your ex  (Feelings Quotes) Take your hurt feelings and channel them into political activism  (Feelings Quotes) Love with no feelings is a waste  (Feelings Quotes) What you have to remember is that the great feelings come after the terrible ones  (Feelings Quotes) I’m really afraid of spiders and my own feelings  (Feelings Quotes) Music helps me to express feelings in a way words often cannot  (Feelings Quotes) True love turns words and feelings into actions  (Feelings Quotes) One paints from nature not in order to copy, but to express feelings of grandeur  (Feelings Quotes) Winning and losing are feelings; something in us knows if we have won or lost  (Feelings Quotes) Music for us is about articulating the feelings you can’t put into words  (Feelings Quotes) Real strength entails being considerate and supportive of people’s feelings  (Feelings Quotes) My tidiness, and my untidiness, are full of regret and remorse and complex feelings  (Feelings Quotes) When you know a person particularly well, you cannot escape their ruffled feelings  (Feelings Quotes) Sometimes you have to avoid mentioning things because people’s feelings are tender  (Feelings Quotes) It’s unbelievable the primitive feelings that are aroused by rapid change  (Feelings Quotes) One of the quickest ways to become exhausted is by suppressing your feelings  (Feelings Quotes) No man, and least of all myself, could ever disentangle the feelings that animated him  (Feelings Quotes) There are no personal revelations other than feelings arising from the work itself  (Feelings Quotes) Never be too busy to listen to your instinctive feelings when something feels wrong  (Feelings Quotes) Little minds find satisfaction for their feelings, good or bad, in little things  (Feelings Quotes) The passion of love is essentially selfish, while motherhood widens the circle of our feelings  (Feelings Quotes) Religion, morality, and patriotism are feelings that are manifested only when they are outraged  (Feelings Quotes) Never doubt what comes from the heart, your feelings know you better than anything else  (Feelings Quotes) Movies are more likely than literature to reach deep feelings in people  (Feelings Quotes)
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