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Feelings Quotes

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The figure is just the most represented tool to get thoughts and feelings across  (Feelings Quotes) Music commands how we feel, dictates what we experience in our feelings  (Feelings Quotes) Everything I do is blown out of proportion. It really hurts my feelings  (Feelings Quotes) Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor  (Feelings Quotes) Like great works, deep feelings always mean more than they are conscious of saying  (Feelings Quotes) My feelings, gratitude, for instance, are denied me simply because of my social position  (Feelings Quotes) It is not our exalted feelings, it is our sentiments that build the necessary home  (Feelings Quotes) Genius is the power of carrying the feelings of childhood into the powers of manhood  (Feelings Quotes) Woman is stronger by virtue of her feelings than man by virtue of his power  (Feelings Quotes) When one great passion seizes possession of the soul all other feelings are crowded out  (Feelings Quotes) The universe only makes sense when we have someone to share our feelings with  (Feelings Quotes) We not not our feelings. We are not our moods. We not even our thoughts  (Feelings Quotes) The different accidents of life are not so changeable as the feelings of human nature  (Feelings Quotes) Maybe crazy is just the word we use for feelings that will not be contained  (Feelings Quotes) Too often, feelings arrive too soon, waiting for thoughts that often come too late  (Feelings Quotes) What did you do with memories, feelings, needs, that didn’t belong anywhere?  (Feelings Quotes) When it comes to love, compassion, and other feelings of the heart, I am rich  (Feelings Quotes) All friendly feelings toward others come from the friendly feelings a person has for himself  (Feelings Quotes) I’m suspicious of people who talk about their feelings to the whole world  (Feelings Quotes) A million feelings. A thousand thoughts. A hundred memories. All for one person  (Feelings Quotes) You have a right to your thoughts and feelings. Your feelings are always valid  (Feelings Quotes) Feelings are determined by how one chooses to respond to various situations and events  (Feelings Quotes) Feelings form part of a world in which time, space and frontiers do not exist  (Feelings Quotes) If you will stop feeding your feelings, then they will stop controlling you  (Feelings Quotes) Don’t use your brain to play it, let your feelings guide your fingers  (Feelings Quotes) Teaching is an emotional practice: it activates, colors and expresses people’s feelings  (Feelings Quotes) Our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, our ideas, are physical in the universe  (Feelings Quotes) Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency you are on  (Feelings Quotes) You can purposefully use your feelings to transmit an even more powerful frequency, by adding feeling to what you are wanting  (Feelings Quotes) No rules according to the universe.. you provide the feelings of having it now and the universe will respond  (Feelings Quotes)
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