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Feelings Quotes

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One of the most powerful feelings in the world is after a really, really long run  (Feelings Quotes) Classifying thoughts, feelings and behaviors as diseases is a logical and semantic error, like classifying whale as fish  (Feelings Quotes) Meditation is not about stopping thoughts, but recognizing that we are more than our thoughts and our feelings  (Feelings Quotes) Together, we came to understand how we beg men to express feelings, but then when men do express feelings, we call it sexism, male chauvinism, or backlash  (Feelings Quotes) Basically, what I’m saying is there is nothing fake about what I do. I’m up-front, I’m real, I’m honest and I’m open with my feelings  (Feelings Quotes) I am a post-mastectomy woman who believes our feelings need voice in order to be recognized, respected, and of use  (Feelings Quotes) That was one of the saddest things about people - their most important thoughts and feelings often went unspoken and barely understood  (Feelings Quotes) Composition is the art of arranging in a decorative manner the diverse elements at the painter’s command to express his feelings  (Feelings Quotes) I have always been the dunce, the never-do-well of the family, I’ve always have to pay double for my deeds, first with the scolding and then again because of the way my feelings are hurt  (Feelings Quotes) He clings to his solitude, to his affected indifference and his grown-up ways, but it’s just an act, so as never, never to show his real feelings  (Feelings Quotes) Religion must completely encircle the spirit of ethical man like his element, and this luminous chaos of divine thoughts and feelings is called enthusiasm  (Feelings Quotes) Hint at the existence of wickedness in a light, easy, and agreeable manner, so that nobody’s fine feelings may be offended  (Feelings Quotes) I’m incapable of hiding my feelings when I’m around someone I don’t like  (Feelings Quotes) Resentment or grudges do no harm to the person against whom you hold these feelings but every day and every night of your life, they are eating at you  (Feelings Quotes) Words are such small things, like confetti in the brain, and yet they are color and clarify everything, they can stain the mind or warp the feelings  (Feelings Quotes) I want to be spoiled like a child. Cry to my heart’s content. But I can only suppress my feelings  (Feelings Quotes) When the Spirit is present, people are not offended when you share your feelings about the gospel  (Feelings Quotes) Of all hostile feelings, envy is perhaps the hardest to be subdued, because hardly any one owns it even to himself, but looks out for one pretext after another to justify his hostility  (Feelings Quotes) When I accomplish a challenging goal it is one of the most powerful and wonderful feelings in the world  (Feelings Quotes) A person is born with feelings of envy and hate. If he gives way to them, they will lead him to violence and crime, and any sense of loyalty and good faith will be abandoned  (Feelings Quotes) A relationship has to be cultivated. There have to be feelings of love for another first. But then you have to really like the person  (Feelings Quotes) As an alcoholic, you have no appreciation for your wife or your children’s feelings, but I’m making up for that now. I’m winning my children’s trust back  (Feelings Quotes) But as I was saying, from my experiences, I think men tend to be more timid in expressing their feelings for you. Regardless, I always prefer a friendship first and foremost  (Feelings Quotes) Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls  (Feelings Quotes) God joins us together by means of the body, in consequence of the laws of the communication of movements. He affects us with the same feelings in consequence of the laws of the conjunction of body and soul  (Feelings Quotes) Grant that the true organ with which the beautiful is apprehended is the imagination, and it follows that all arts are likely to affect the feelings indirectly  (Feelings Quotes) I deal with postpartum feelings by reaching out to mom friends. I became very close with some of the women in my prenatal yoga class  (Feelings Quotes) I don’t hide my feelings, but when it comes to illness, I guess I don’t panic. My father was the same way. I’m the provider for the family and the caretaker. If I panic, who is anybody going to run to?  (Feelings Quotes) I don’t think children’s inner feelings have changed. They still want a mother and father in the very same house; they want places to play  (Feelings Quotes) I had very strong feelings, so the chance to make a film that deals in an imaginative way with stuff you care tremendously about is a real high. It’s a really amazing thing to be able to do  (Feelings Quotes)
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