Feelings Quotes

Text Quotes
You will never understand how much you mean to me, because there is no amount of words that can begin to describe my feelings for you (Feelings Quotes)
Sometimes you keep your feelings to yourself because it’s hard for someone else to understand them (Feelings Quotes)
People who are inconsiderate of your feelings don’t deserve second chances (Feelings Quotes)
There are times that, you have to stop caring, you have to turn off all emotions and feelings just to protect yourself from getting hurt (Feelings Quotes)
Love. Words can express it good, feelings can express it better. Hard pounding motions express it best (Feelings Quotes)
Life is about trusting your feelings, taking chances, losing, and finding happiness (Feelings Quotes)
If you feel you still have feelings for your ex, don’t get into a relationship. Let your heart and memories heal before u move on (Feelings Quotes)
An art aims, above all, at producing something beautiful which affects not our feelings but the organ of pure contemplation, our imagination (Feelings Quotes)
Once we have feelings for someone, it will always be there. We may not like them anymore, but we still care (Feelings Quotes)
If you catch feelings because we don’t speak everyday, I probably won’t holla at all (Feelings Quotes)
Sometimes you have to let your feelings go and put your guard down to really experience the true emotion of love (Feelings Quotes)
I hate when I can literally feel us drifting apart. That’s one of the worst feelings in the world (Feelings Quotes)
Never let someone who does so little for you control your emotions and feelings (Feelings Quotes)
I’ve always had a tendency to push the envelope as far as it can go without hurting someone’s feelings (Feelings Quotes)
Another love gone wrong, another heart to shatter, welcome to reality, where feelings don’t matter (Feelings Quotes)
Sometimes exposing your true feelings to someone only feeds their ego and unfortunately they feel they can treat you any way after (Feelings Quotes)
The police are on the way to arrest you for stealing my heart, hijacking my feelings, and driving me crazy. See you in court! (Feelings Quotes)
Holding on to negative feelings and past circumstances is like placing a lock on your soul (Feelings Quotes)
You’re accused of stealing my heart and hijacking my feelings. Do u plead guilty or not? I’ll give u the life sentence to be in love with me (Feelings Quotes)
Stop going back to the one who brings u more pain than happiness. It’s not worth it to invest ur feelings into somebody unworthy of ur love (Feelings Quotes)
To enter into someone emotions, start by listening. It meets the need to be understood and the need to have their feelings validated (Feelings Quotes)
Feelings are not to be played with. Playing with fire will get you burned (Feelings Quotes)
Life is trusting your feelings, taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past (Feelings Quotes)
I will keep my feelings bottled up. Just to see who cares to unscrew the cap (Feelings Quotes)
Sometimes, some feelings are better to be hidden than to screw up everything and end up nothing (Feelings Quotes)
You can’t stop the feelings you have for someone. You can’t lie to yourself either. Your heart knows the truth all too well (Feelings Quotes)
Have faith in yourself, including your gut feelings, dreams, and desires. Let down your guard, relax, and enjoy the playground of life (Feelings Quotes)
Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection is too hard to handle? We tell lies when we are afraid (Feelings Quotes)
Tell it as it is, there’s nothing good about holding grudges or leaving feelings bottled in (Feelings Quotes)
One of the worst feelings is not telling anyone what’s wrong with you because you don’t want their sympathy (Feelings Quotes)