Feels Quotes

Text Quotes
Anyone who would attempt the task of felling a virgin forest with a penknife would probably feel the same paralysis of despair that the reformer feels when confronted with existing school systems (Feels Quotes)
A human being always acts and feels and performs in accordance with what he imagines to be true about himself and his environment (Feels Quotes)
When we are angry, we will use a lie as fast as a truth if we can hurt with it. Anger feels strong but it is actually a disguised weakness. To someone with their eyes closed, all the pictures that you show them will seem the same. It is better to whisper words of love instead of trying to find a better picture. The end of a relationship is not a failure any more than the end of a book is a failure (Feels Quotes)
I used to have a saying that when a player is at his peak, he feels as though he can climb (Feels Quotes)
An artist is above all a human being, profoundly human to the core. If the artist can’t feel everything that humanity feels, if the artist isn’t capable of loving until he forgets himself and sacrifices himself if necessary, if he won’t put down his magic brush and head the fight against the oppressor, then he isn’t a great artist (Feels Quotes)
One reason that the task of inventing manners is so difficult is that etiquette is folk custom, and people have emotional ties to the forms of their youth. That is why there is such hostility between generations in times of rapid change; their manners being different, each feels affronted by the other, taking even the most surface choices for challenges (Feels Quotes)
A lot of the time it feels like… music is some sort of excuse to be a human. It’s kind of like people need that excuse to go and put their arms in the air and sing their hearts out (Feels Quotes)
The only thing that feels worse than being stuck in a situation that makes you unhappy is realizing that you are not ready or willing to change whatever it is (Feels Quotes)
Although the optimist may be a little giddy when foreseeing the future, telling himself that it will all work out in the end when that isn’t always the case, his attitude is more fruitful since, in the hope of undertaking a hundred projects, followed up by diligent action, the optimist will end up completing fifty. Conversely, in limiting himself to undertake a mere ten, the pessimist might complete five at best and often fewer, since he’ll devote little energy to a task he feels to be doomed from the start (Feels Quotes)
Today we may face some boring task or idle conversation that feels like a complete waste of time. Perhaps next week or next year we’ll understand that nothing is wasted, that in the economy of our universe even a weed is simply a flower whose use has yet to be discovered (Feels Quotes)
Every atom in me feels composed of lead. This is what dying is: a pull to the ground (Feels Quotes)
How often I have tried to tell writing students that the first thing a writer must do is love the reader and wish the reader well. The writer must trust the reader to be at least as intelligent as he is. Only in such well wishing and trust, only when the writer feels he is writing a letter to a good friend, only then will the magic happen (Feels Quotes)
At some level, I feel it is nice to know that a film of yours is doing well at the box office and has also got great reviews. That feels like success (Feels Quotes)
It’s my experience that you first feel the impulse to write in your chest. It’s like falling in love, only more so. It feels like something criminal. It feels like unspeakably wild sex. So, think: When you feel the overpowering need to go out and find some unspeakably wild sex, do you rush to tell your mom about it? (Feels Quotes)
There is beauty everywhere on earth, but there is greater beauty in those places where one feels that sense of ease which comes from no longer having to put off one’s dreams until some improbable future – a future inexorably shrinking away; where the fear that has pervaded one’s life suddenly vanishes because there is... nothing to be afraid of (Feels Quotes)
Most people only work enough so that it feels like work, whereas successful people work at a pace that gets such satisfying results that work is a reward. Truly successful people don’t even call it work; for them, it’s a passion. Why? Because they do enough to win! (Feels Quotes)
The skills gap is a reflection of what we value. To close the gap, we need to change the way the country feels about work (Feels Quotes)
Music is indivisible. The dualism of feeling and thinking must be resolved to a state of unity in which one thinks with the heart and feels with the brain (Feels Quotes)
It just feels good to play again. That’s what keeps me going. I’ve focused harder because of it (Feels Quotes)
I do think I have an ability to record sensual and emotional facts and factoids, to construct a convincing surface of what life feels like, both physical life and emotional life (Feels Quotes)
I had forgotten what it was like, to be drawn to a person... I’d forgotten how your blood flows toward a person when they move, so that all at once you know what the pull of gravity feels like. and you know that this is something strong and important, something that you need for life, this woman moving through the room (Feels Quotes)
Sometimes it feels as though happiness is just a word people say to hide the despair of not knowing anything (Feels Quotes)
Sometimes hate hurts more than love feels good. Just have to realize it’s because we’re more used to love. Let the haters stumble by (Feels Quotes)
Reading is sometimes thought of as a form of escapism, and it’s a common turn of phrase to speak of getting lost in a book. But a book can also be where one finds oneself; and when a reader is grasped and held by a book, reading does not feel like an escape from life so much as it feels like an urgent, crucial dimension of life itself (Feels Quotes)
When we are honest, we admit how agreeable it can feel to be singled out for favored treatment. The biggest barrier to equality for all is that inequality for some feels good (Feels Quotes)
Do you know anything about fashion magazines? Being treated like superficial bimbos by men like you, and having to write about designer brands. Do you know what that feels like? (Feels Quotes)
When I talk about unrequited love, most of you probably think about romantic love, but there are many other kinds of love that are not adequately returned, if they are returned at all. An angry adolescent may not love her mother back as her mother loves her; an abusive father doesn’t return the innocent open love of his young child. But grief is the ultimate unrequieted love. However hard and however long we love someone who has died, they can never love us back. At least that is how it feels (Feels Quotes)
It feels better there. In real life you can eventually learn to deal with the pain and trauma, learn to cope on some level, you know? But you can never undo death, and even if you think they deserve it, killing doesn’t take away your pain, just puts you on dangerous ground that can collapse out from beneath you at any time (Feels Quotes)
An exhibition is in many ways a series of conversations. Between the artist and viewer, curator and viewer, and between the works of art themselves. It clicks when an exhibition feels like it has answered some questions, and raised even more (Feels Quotes)
What’s hard about being on the other side of the world is that sometimes the problem feels so big that changing one life doesn’t feel like enough. But it is (Feels Quotes)