Fell Quotes

Text Quotes
Mr. that boy couldn’t hit the ground if he fell out of an airplane (Fell Quotes)
The number of those 19 to 25 with private insurance increased from 51 to 55.8 percent, and the percentage of uninsured fell from 33.9 percent in 2010 to 28.8 percent during the first half of 2011 (Fell Quotes)
I fell in love with the art of acting back when I was 10 years old, actually (Fell Quotes)
What ascends up in prayer descends to us again in blessings. It is like the rain which just now fell, and which had been drawn up from the ground in vapors to the clouds before it descended from them to the earth in that refreshing shower (Fell Quotes)
I fell in love with poetry through storytelling, so my poetry tends to be fairly narrative. I like characters, I like having a beginning, middle, and ending, though not necessarily in that order (Fell Quotes)
I sort of fell out of new music. I’m old, I like what I like, and that’s that (Fell Quotes)
The lush green of the fields became a rich gold that swayed sturdily under the wind and fell at last before the hands of the reapers (Fell Quotes)
Two bones fell down my chimney and into the bedroom this morning. Hysterical thing to happen to a thriller writer. Murderous ravens perhaps? (Fell Quotes)
I fell in love with my wife twenty years ago. I am only now, it seems, getting it through my very thick skull how lucky I am (Fell Quotes)
I think my love of music comes from my dad. I was born with an ear for music, like him, and started with the piano when I was 4 but fell in love with the drums. My dad always has music playing (Fell Quotes)
On the slightest touch the unsupported fabric of their pride and power fell to the ground. The expiring senate displayed a sudden lustre, blazed for a moment, and was extinguished for ever (Fell Quotes)
I worked 10 years as a toy designer before I started my career as a fashion designer. It’s something I just fell into and really liked (Fell Quotes)
I do know that I fell in love with the moment of falling in love and I wanted to keep that moment alive forever, at the expense of all those moments to follow (Fell Quotes)
I wrote a great deal of verse. In fact, every time I fell in love, which was rather often, I burst into the emotional sort of thing which is perennially salable (Fell Quotes)
I think sometimes fate cuts you a break. Like it says, okay, you’ve had enough of that crap, so it’s time you fell into something nice. See what you make out of it (Fell Quotes)
Some sell their soul for the easy road. The devil’s always buying. I can’t count the ones I’ve known who fell right into line (Fell Quotes)
The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me was when I was wearing a hair extension and it fell out on set (Fell Quotes)
I fell headfirst into a sinkhole of pretty things, and the world inside your eyelids is just as big as the one outside (Fell Quotes)
I always wanted to be one of those people who were good at many, many things, but from a very early age, I fell in love with acting (Fell Quotes)
If I have to move up in a building, I choose the elevator over the escalator. Because one time I was riding the escalator and I tripped. I fell down the stairs for an hour and a half (Fell Quotes)
The fate of nations is intimately bound up with their powers of reproduction. All nations and all empires first felt decadence gnawing at them when their birth rate fell off (Fell Quotes)
Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too (Fell Quotes)
When a man fell into his anecdotage it was a sign for him to retire from the world (Fell Quotes)
I fell asleep reading a dull book and dreamed I kept on reading, so I awoke from sheer boredom (Fell Quotes)
In the past, some of the songs that were the most fun, and the most entertaining and rocking, fell by the wayside because I was concerned with what I was going to say and how I was going to say it (Fell Quotes)
Liberalism provided me with an intellectual satisfaction that I never found in fundamentalism. I became so enamored of the insights of liberalism that I almost fell into the trap of accepting uncritically everything it encompassed (Fell Quotes)
I went to the bank and proposed that they lend money to the poor people. The bankers almost fell over (Fell Quotes)
I claim that in losing the spinning wheel we lost our left lung. We are, therefore, suffering from galloping consumption. The restoration of the wheel arrests the progress of the fell disease (Fell Quotes)
As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once (Fell Quotes)
I fell in love with football as I was later to fall in love with women: suddenly, inexplicably, uncritically, giving no thought to the pain or disruption it would bring with it (Fell Quotes)