Fellow Beings Quotes

Text Quotes
In fact, punk rock means exemplary manners to your fellow human beings (Fellow Beings Quotes)
No man has received from nature the right to command his fellow human beings (Fellow Beings Quotes)
The worst of Nature brings out the best in our fellow human beings (Fellow Beings Quotes)
We share the earth not only with our fellow human beings, but with all the other creatures (Fellow Beings Quotes)
There are two billion fellow human beings who live on less than $2 a day (Fellow Beings Quotes)
I am inspired by honest people who don’t cheat others. To me the famous are those who are kind to fellow human beings and dedicate their life to charity. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
Technology is unlocking the innate compassion we have for our fellow human beings (Fellow Beings Quotes)
We stand, as it were, on the shore, and see multitudes of our fellow beings struggling in the water, stretching forth their arms, sinking, drowning, and we are powerless to assist them. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
We hear all around us about practical religion, and analysing all that, we find that it can be brought down to one conception - charity to our fellow beings. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
We can’t expect listeners to Humble themselves and Glorify God, if what they are hearing begins with mocking others and ends with untamed judging of fellow beings. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
One’s spiritual realization lies in none other than how one walks among and interacts with one’s fellow beings. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
I have seen hate born of fear, hate speaking in the name of God and truth, hate holding up a distorting mirror to fellow human beings. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
One of Satan’s greatest tools is pride: to cause a man or a woman to center so much attention on self that he or she becomes insensitive to his Creator or fellow beings. It is a cause for discontent, divorce, teenage rebellion, family indebtedness, and most other problems we face (Fellow Beings Quotes)
I am trying to teach my children to feel a responsibility for their fellow human beings and a sense of connection with ... the world around them. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred, friends, and fellow beings. Our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed away from this earth...bringing messages of love, warning, reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
This is historically what happens whenever revolutionaries begin to take the oppression and suffering of their fellow beings seriously, whether human or nonhuman. It’s regrettable that certain scientists are willing to put their families at risk by choosing to do wasteful animal experiments in this day and age. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
Acting is not a profession of competing with other actors, but rather a vocation of sharing with fellow human beings (Fellow Beings Quotes)
I would hope that people might view their fellow beings, all beings, with more empathy, more compassion, with a desire to understand. Even if they can’t know why people are the way they are, to understand that they’re probably that way for a good reason (Fellow Beings Quotes)
I detest my fellow-beings and do not feel that I am their fellow at all (Fellow Beings Quotes)
If more people had put their fellow human beings before abstractions last century, we shouldn’t be where we are now. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
On a certain day, month and year one should observe the ceremony of tree-planting. Thus, one fulfils one’s responsibilities, serves one’s fellow-beings which not only brings happiness but benefits all. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
A citizen of the world in the fullest sense - one whose vision and culture gave him a deep empathy with fellow human beings of every creed and color. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
I’m an irredeemable urbanite. I can’t imagine living more than a five-minute walk from my fellow human beings. Other people are vital to my peace of mind. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
Judaism, I would argue, does demand love for our fellow human beings, but only to an extent. ‘Hate’ is not always synonymous with the terribly sinful. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
Observance of customs and laws can very easily be a cloak for a lie so subtle that our fellow human beings are unable to detect it. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
But man is above all a social and political animal; his relations with his fellow human beings form his most absorbing and important interest. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
We may never understand what leads anybody to terrorize their fellow human beings. Such violence, such evil is senseless. It’s beyond reason. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
The least pain in our little finger gives us more concern and uneasiness than the destruction of millions of our fellow-beings. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
I’m trying to get the terrorist out of the bugaboo category and into the category of a fellow human being. (Fellow Beings Quotes)
Understanding of our fellow human beings...becomes fruitful only when it is sustained by sympathetic feelings in joy and sorrow. (Fellow Beings Quotes)