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Know that although in the eternal scheme of things you are small, you are also unique and irreplaceable, as are all your fellow humans everywhere in the world  (Fellow Quotes) Religions have become a hindrance, rather than a help, to our shared pursuit of peace and progress. They tend to make us meaner rather than better human beings, less sensitive to the demands of justice, compassion and fellow humanity in our times  (Fellow Quotes) She was fabulously wrong when she said it the first time, and stunningly arrogant in her refusal to express any regret for lying to our fellow citizens  (Fellow Quotes) When I was a young fellow I was knocked down plenty. I wanted to stay down, but I couldn’t. I had to collect the two dollars for winning or go hungry. I had to get up. I was one of those hungry fighters. You could have hit me on the chin with a sledgehammer for five dollars. When you haven’t eaten for two days you’ll understand  (Fellow Quotes) Anticipate charity by preventing poverty; assist the reduced fellow man, either by a considerable gift or a sum of money or by teaching him a trade or by putting him in the way of business so that he may earn an honest livelihood and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding out his hand for charity. This is the highest step and summit of charity’s golden ladder  (Fellow Quotes) I... believe that angels, or something like them, sometimes live among us, hidden within our fellow human beings  (Fellow Quotes) The best way to show respect to your fellow athletes is to give the best performance you can  (Fellow Quotes) A better understanding of the brain is certain to lead man to a richer comprehension both of himself, of his fellow man, and of society, and in fact of the whole world with its problems  (Fellow Quotes) There is nothing like the camaraderie that one has with fellow drinkers. It is a club you never leave once you join. Well, willingly or easily  (Fellow Quotes) It is a curious truth that many cats enjoy warmer, more convivial, even affectionate relationships with humans than they could ever do with fellow felines  (Fellow Quotes) Slavery naturally tends to destroy all sense of justice and equity. It puffs up the mind with pride: teaches youth a habit of looking down upon their fellow creatures with contempt, esteeming them as dogs or devils, and imagining themselves beings of superior dignity and importance, to whom all are indebted. This banishes the idea, and unqualifies the mind for the practice of common justice  (Fellow Quotes) There must be a balance of honesty and charity in the workshop. Everyone must be aware of a fellow human being behind the work being discussed, and criticism has to be useful, not just derogatory or laudatory  (Fellow Quotes) A warrior can be injured but not offended. For a warrior there is nothing offensive about the acts of her fellow human beings, as long as she herself is acting in the proper mood  (Fellow Quotes) Ultimately success or failure in photographing people depends on the photographer’s ability to understand his fellow man  (Fellow Quotes) The surplus wealth we have gained to some extent at least belongs to our fellow beings; we are only the temporary custodians of our fortunes, and let us be careful that no just complaint can be made against our stewardship  (Fellow Quotes) If it is more blessed to give than to receive, then most of us are content to let the other fellow have the greater blessing  (Fellow Quotes) If it be true that democracy is based upon the assumption that every man shall serve his fellow man, the organization of democracy should be gradually adapted to that assumption  (Fellow Quotes) The man who goes afoot, prepared to camp anywhere and in any weather, is the most independent fellow on earth  (Fellow Quotes) The only difference between me and my fellow actors is that I’ve spent more time in jail  (Fellow Quotes) We... must try to live without causing unnecessary harm, not just to fellow humans but to all beings. We must try not to be stingy, or to exploit others. There will be enough pain in the world as it is  (Fellow Quotes) Put a pair of high heels on a fellow and just look what he was reduced to  (Fellow Quotes) All education should be directed toward the refinement of the individual’s sensibilities in relation not only to one’s fellow humans everywhere, but to all living things whatsoever  (Fellow Quotes) Statistics always remind me of fellow who drowned in a river where the average depth was only three feet  (Fellow Quotes) Once outside the magic circle the writers became their lonely selves, pondering on poems, observing their fellow men ruthlessly, putting people they knew into novels; no wonder they were without friends  (Fellow Quotes) The problems of this world are so gigantic that some are paralysed by their own uncertainty. Courage and wisdom are needed to reach out above this sense of helplessness. Desire for vengeance against deeds of hatred offers no solution. An eye for an eye makes the world blind. If we wish to choose the other path, we will have to search for ways to break the spiral of animosity. To fight evil one must also recognize one’s own responsibility. The values for which we stand must be expressed in the way we think of, and how we deal with, our fellow humans  (Fellow Quotes) If we can forgive everyone, regardless of what he or she may have done, we nourish the soul and allow our whole being to feel good. To hold a grudge against anyone is like carrying the devil on your shoulders. It is our willingness to forgive and forget that casts away such a burden and brings light into our hearts, freeing us from many ill feelings against our fellow human beings  (Fellow Quotes) I ain’t one of those who believe that a half knowledge of a subject is useless, but it has been my experience that when a fellow has that half knowledge he finds it’s the other half which would really come in handy  (Fellow Quotes) We do want our fellow citizens to respect our deeply held conviction that the absence of an afterlife lends a greater, not a lesser, moral importance to our actions on earth  (Fellow Quotes) The transition of world agriculture from food grain to feed grains represents an... evil whose consequences may be far greater and longer lasting than any past examples of violence inflicted by men against thier fellow human beings  (Fellow Quotes) What is the nature of the search? you ask. Really it is very simple, at least for a fellow like me; so simple that it is easily overlooked. The search is what anyone would undertake if he were not sunk in the everydayness of his own life. This morning, for example, I felt as if I had come to myself on a strange island. And what does such a cast away do? Why he pokes around the neighborhood and he doesn’t miss a trick. To become aware of the search is to be onto something. Not to be onto something is to be in despair  (Fellow Quotes)
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