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You know, making an animated movie is such a lonesome thing. You mostly don’t see your fellow actors or anything. You go into your booth, you record all your dialogue. It’s very much an issue of trust. You leave it all up to the director  (Fellow Quotes) As an actor, you want to remain vulnerable. You don’t want to always have all the answers and you want to be fine doing things in the moment with your fellow actors  (Fellow Quotes) As I am never better than when I am mad; then methinks I am a brave fellow; then I do wonders: but reason abuseth me, and there’s the torment, there’s the hell  (Fellow Quotes) The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness means that each of us is free to go our own way, even if the ways some of us may choose to go seem sinful or shocking to our fellow citizens  (Fellow Quotes) The proper way to make policy changes is for you to convince your fellow citizens that there is a better policy outcome than the current one. And then in state legislatures, for those state legislatures to vote that change  (Fellow Quotes) More lightly do his sorrows press upon a man, when to a friend or fellow traveller he tells his griefs  (Fellow Quotes) Fear is a dangerous thing. Once it is sanctioned by the state there is no telling where it might lead. It is always a short path to walk from being suspicious of our fellow citizens to taking actions to restrict their liberty  (Fellow Quotes) I don’t like the idea of killing my fellow creatures in order to eat their dead bodies  (Fellow Quotes) You can’t make the other fellow feel important in your presence if you secretly feel that he is a nobody  (Fellow Quotes) The truth is, I just love to work. I love being on set. I love being around crews. I love being around my fellow actors. Anything that can keep that going is a joy for me  (Fellow Quotes) Your theory of partial immortality is abhorrent to me. I would rather disbelieve in the immortality of my own soul than suppose the boon given to me was withheld from any of my fellow creatures  (Fellow Quotes) The fundamental right of freedom of thought and expression is essential. If you curtail what the other fellow says and does, you curtail what you yourself may say and do  (Fellow Quotes) I do strive to think well of my fellow man, but no amount of striving can give me confidence in the wisdom of a congressional vote  (Fellow Quotes) Conscience is the anticipation of the fellow who awaits you if and when you come home  (Fellow Quotes) It seems a strange fact that it is almost more important for us to be happy ourselves than to try to make other people happy. By being happy we confer untold benefits upon our fellow men  (Fellow Quotes) The only person who listens to both sides of an argument is the fellow in the next apartment  (Fellow Quotes) No story ever looks as bad as the story you’ve just bought; no story ever looks as good as the story the other fellow just bought  (Fellow Quotes) The time has come to listen to the frightened moans of our fellow brothers and sisters and indeed the earth itself is in pain  (Fellow Quotes) We may never understand what leads anybody to terrorize their fellow human beings. Such violence, such evil is senseless. It’s beyond reason  (Fellow Quotes) Those who go forth ministering to the wants and necessities of their fellow beings experience a rich return, their souls being as a watered garden, and a spring that faileth not  (Fellow Quotes) I always kind of thought I want to be a good person, I want to be right to my fellow men and love them like were supposed to  (Fellow Quotes) If we drive our fellow species to extinction, we will leave a far more desolate planet for our descendants than the world we inherited from our elders  (Fellow Quotes) A fellow who cannot throw a flapjack is sadly lacking in the skill one expects to find in a real woodcrafter  (Fellow Quotes) I’ll tell you this, lad: A tattoo says more of a fellow looking at it than it can do of the man who’s got it on his back  (Fellow Quotes) If only men came made to order. It’s so hard to find a decent fellow  (Fellow Quotes) To be a human being is to be in a state of tension between your appetites and your dreams, and the social realities around you and your obligations to your fellow man  (Fellow Quotes) Being an actor is often very tedious, which is why it helps hugely if your fellow cast members are also good friends  (Fellow Quotes) A man can well afford to be as bold as brass, my good fellow, when he gets gold in exchange!  (Fellow Quotes) I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens who, reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in their times  (Fellow Quotes) Your stew, so long deferred, stands finally extra causas. Greet it as your fellow creature. It is as deliciously unnecessary as you are  (Fellow Quotes)
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