Felt Quotes

Text Quotes
For five years I've felt like the best prostitute in a high-class whorehouse. But all the other girls get paid more than I do (Felt Quotes)
I felt impotent and out of control, which I really, really hate. I had to find sanctuary in a place where I could gather my thoughts and regain my strength (Felt Quotes)
He explained to me that he wanted a simple boy meets girl story with lyrics. This I felt was quite beyond my capabilities. I did not know any boys who met girls (Felt Quotes)
I was brought up in a household of chaos and I never felt stable at home (Felt Quotes)
I think there are ghosts. I haven’t seen or heard anything. I’ve definitely felt something, but it’s not scary (Felt Quotes)
I am Ecuadorian but people felt so safe passing me off as a skinny, blue-eyed white girl (Felt Quotes)
Toward the end of my pregnancy, I felt really big - I gained about 40 pounds, which is a lot for my size (Felt Quotes)
A feeling is not bottomless. once felt all the way through,a great peace greets you there (Felt Quotes)
All my adult life I’ve felt drawn to ask long-married couples how they were able to stay together. All of them said the same thing: “We worked hard at it.” (Felt Quotes)
The strongest love which the human heart has ever felt has been that for its Heavenly Parent. Was it not then constituted for this love? (Felt Quotes)
... it is through poetry that we give name to those ideas which are-until the poem-nameless and formless, about to be birthed, but already felt (Felt Quotes)
My choice of colours does not rest on any scientific theory: it is based on observation, on sensitivity, on felt experience (Felt Quotes)
I was always incredibly driven and found it impossible to relax. I felt that if I slacked off for a minute to enjoy myself, then so many things would be missed (Felt Quotes)
I’ve never been a jealous person, and I’ve never felt built up by someone else’s failure - that’s a cheap thrill (Felt Quotes)
I always felt like the rug could be pulled out from under me at anytime. And coming from a racially mixed background, I always felt like I didn’t really fit in anywhere (Felt Quotes)
I spent so many summers and New Years and fun times in New Orleans. It was always a place where I felt I could go and actually let go and enjoy the spirit of something (Felt Quotes)
It’s a long road when you face the world alone, when no one reaches out a hand for you to hold. You can find love if you search within your soul, and the emptiness you felt will disappear (Felt Quotes)
No one really wants to admit they are lonely, and it is never really addressed very much between friends and family. But I have felt lonely many times in my life (Felt Quotes)
I feel much safer with girls, so I felt more comfortable kissing her in the movie than kissing any of the other people that I had to kiss (Felt Quotes)
Every book is a new journey. I never felt I was an expert on a subject as I embarked on a project (Felt Quotes)
There were only two times in my life when I’ve actually felt down about things and gotten myself into a full mental mess. One of the times was in 1982. I had a horrible time for a few months and felt pretty desperate. Then again in 1984, for various reasons, not all of them within my control. Since then, I just wander in and out of black moods (Felt Quotes)
I’ve always felt like the underdog, and I’m comfortable with that label (Felt Quotes)
After I became a citizen, I felt freer to say what I thought about this country, both negative and positive. I think I had been, consciously and subconsciously, biting my tongue in the past (Felt Quotes)
After I hit a home run I had a habit of running the bases with my head down. I figured the pitcher already felt bad enough without me showing him up rounding the bases (Felt Quotes)
All around me insisted that my doubts proved only my own ignorance and sinfulness; that they knew by experience they would soon give place to true knowledge, and an advance in religion; and I felt something like indecision (Felt Quotes)
Analysis gave me great freedom of emotions and fantastic confidence. I felt I had served my time as a puppet (Felt Quotes)
Any time I got in emotional turmoil, I felt sick all the time, like at any minute I would die (Felt Quotes)
At the age of 16 I was already dreaming of having a baby because I felt myself to be an adult, but my mum forbid it. Right now, I feel like a teenager and I want to have fun for one or two more years before starting a family (Felt Quotes)
Catastrophes are often stimulated by the failure to feel the emergence of a domain, and so what cannot be felt in the imagination is experienced as embodied sensation in the catastrophe (Felt Quotes)
Every time I took a long leave from home, I felt as if I were going to conquer the world. Or rather, take possession of what is my birthright, my inheritance (Felt Quotes)