Felt Quotes

Text Quotes
You sensed that you should be following a different path, a more ambitious one, you felt that you were destined for other things but you had no idea how to achieve them and in your misery you began to hate everything around you (Felt Quotes)
She wondered what she thought of herself, and came to the realization that she felt mostly indifference towards her entire life (Felt Quotes)
Eventually she fell asleep, but I kept the phone against my ear, lulled by her breathing, and her breathing again in the background. And yes, it felt like home. Like everything belonged exactly where it was (Felt Quotes)
Early on, he’d learned to enjoy simple things, things that couldn’t be bought, and he had a hard time understanding people who felt otherwise (Felt Quotes)
If you’ve ever been homesick, or felt exiled from all the things and people that once defined you, you’ll know how important welcoming words and friendly smiles can be (Felt Quotes)
It was such an unexpected and genuine smile that if I only had a soul I’m sure I would have felt quite guilty (Felt Quotes)
I felt as I hadn’t felt for ages. I had a foolish desire to burst into tears. for the first time I’d realized how all these people loathed me (Felt Quotes)
She felt as if she were brimming, always producing and hoarding more love inside her. But there was no release (Felt Quotes)
She felt like a fictional character who’d escaped the book in which her creator had carefully and kindly trapped her, taken a pair of scissors to her outline and leaped, free (Felt Quotes)
And I never felt that good in my life. But I also felt bad because I saw her naked without her permission (Felt Quotes)
It may have taken nine years, and a whole lot of wrong turns along the way, but their story felt complete at last. Because, finally, she was his (Felt Quotes)
I didn’t feel empty. I wished I’d felt empty... I wanted to be empty like an overturned pitcher. But I was full like a stone (Felt Quotes)
Now he saw that she understood entirely too well and he felt the usual masculine indignation at the duplicity of women. Added to it was the usual masculine disillusionment in discovering that a woman has a brain (Felt Quotes)
At the worst possible moment, the most painful, darkest moment when you can’t take it anymore and you are afraid, that is when a feeling of peace and comfort will come over you, and it’s like nothing you’ve ever felt (Felt Quotes)
Part of avoiding thoughts about something was not encouraging opportunities for that something to makes itself felt (Felt Quotes)
Do you think love just goes away? Pops out of existence when it becomes too painful or inconvenient, as if you never felt it? (Felt Quotes)
Sometimes I shrink from your knowing what I have felt for you, and sometimes I am distressed that all of it you will never know (Felt Quotes)
She never felt sorry for herself, and that was something I decided I admired most in people (Felt Quotes)
He felt his heart roll, exposing its underbelly. Nothing he could do about that. He was equipped to eliminate threats, protect and serve. Not to love. Never to love (Felt Quotes)
I felt the need to clarify we were there for the self defense class, in case he also taught about dog breeding or riding the high seas (Felt Quotes)
Some things are too big to be seen; some emotions are too huge to be felt (Felt Quotes)
Lies had deserted me, and I felt as lonely as though they had been my only friends (Felt Quotes)
For a split second I felt as though she was nobody special in the larger scheme of my life. She was just some girl who had tied me to her leg to help her sink when she jumped off the bridge. Then I blinked and was in love with her again (Felt Quotes)
Though no one had been buried here for almost thirty years, the grass was mown by yours truly. I felt a tidy graveyard made a happy graveyard (Felt Quotes)
She felt as if the world were tilting and she was clinging on helplessly, trying to keep from tumbling into a black abyss (Felt Quotes)
So this had been all I wanted, a boy who understood how I felt. Now, though, I sometimes wished for more (Felt Quotes)
Holly died without a friend to hold her hand. Artemis felt her go, another gift of the magic. He kept on counting, brushing away the tears on his cheeks (Felt Quotes)
She didn’t know how much she’d been hoping that he still loved her, until she felt how much it hurt to realize he didn’t (Felt Quotes)
I felt my face stretch in a victorious smile. The potion had worked. I was inside. I had to suppress an urge to break into a soft shoe routine. Sometimes being able to use magic was so cool (Felt Quotes)
Once I opened my mind to the concept of a greater power, I never struggled with it. Everywhere I went, I felt and saw the existence of a creative intelligence in this universe, of a loving power larger than myself in nature, in people, everywhere (Felt Quotes)