Female Quotes

Text Quotes
Whenever you face something new, you revert to your own tribal ways. People ask me how I can live among cannibals, or tribes that practise female circumcision, and not tell them what’s right or wrong. I know that’s not the way to understanding. I try not to judge (Female Quotes)
He was on his knees before this female, and he’d gladly stay there for the rest of his life (Female Quotes)
But why should I cast myself in the ancient female part of victim of men’s plots and passions? (Female Quotes)
Musically, I have more things in common with tons of bands that have no female members (Female Quotes)
I like strong female characters. I try to write them as role models for young girls (Female Quotes)
To conclude that women are unfitted to the task of our historic society seems to me the equivalent of closing male eyes to female facts (Female Quotes)
No longer is the female destined solely for the home and the rearing of the family and only the male for the marketplace and the world of ideas (Female Quotes)
I was gravely warned by some of my female acquaintances that no woman could expect to be regarded as a lady after she had written a book (Female Quotes)
We will have to be very vigilant that young female scientists have the same opportunities as their male colleagues (Female Quotes)
Here, we have female directors and producers; in fact, one whole channel is run by a woman. Pakistani TV is progressive, and hence, characters that are shown are of today as well (Female Quotes)
No one said, ‘This is the best female rapper.’ It’s more like, ‘Lizzo can really rap.’ I think its because I’m not that sexy girl. I’m that beast girl (Female Quotes)
I feel like in Atlanta, if you were a female dancer, the more you can dance like the boys, the more respect you get. I was thrust into that kind of dance culture, and it was in my body (Female Quotes)
I don’t know if I could write songs if it wasn’t for the female race, to be honest with you (Female Quotes)
There aren’t enough good roles for strong women. I wish we had more female writers. Most of the female characters you see in films today are the ‘poor heartbroken girl.’ (Female Quotes)
To me ,acting is all about hard work and talent. Once you get your first wrinkle, if you are a female actress, nobody will care about what you look like - it’s all about what you can do (Female Quotes)
I never really knew that I would be a lifer of strong female characters, but that seems to be the drops I’m being given, and I’m very happy for them. Hopefully, ‘Divergent’ will be the next thing (Female Quotes)
Technology is one of the key drivers of female economic empowerment, but the fields that women choose to participate in are still decidedly gendered (Female Quotes)
I’d be lying if I said I never think about my female fans in certain shots and certain scenes. Like, when I’m topless, I might think: ‘This one is for the ladies.’ (Female Quotes)
We’ve always been ready for female superheroes. Because women want to be them and men want to do them (Female Quotes)
A good example of how it must have been is today’s world of conducting, which is still utterly dominated by men, and the prejudice the few female conductors have to battle even today is astounding (Female Quotes)
I thought that maybe it is not so much, as he seems to think, that the world loses interest in female performers after they hit a certain age, than the performers lose interest in the world (Female Quotes)
The kiss originated when the first male reptile licked the first female reptile, implying in a subtle way that she was as succulent as the small reptile he had for dinner the night before (Female Quotes)
When I ran for governor, was I ambitious? Yes. Anyone, male or female, who goes through the trials of a campaign must be ambitious (Female Quotes)
They say there is no light without dark, no good without evil, no male without female, no right without wrong. That nothing can exist if it’s direct opposite does not also exist (Female Quotes)
As far as he was concerned, there were only two good positions for a human. A female on her back. And a male facedown not breathing (Female Quotes)
You cannot help being a female, and I should be something of a fool were I to discount your talents merely because of their housing (Female Quotes)
This was the gift of recovery, he thought. The ability to be here in this moment with the female he loved and be fully aware, fully awake, fully present. Undiluted (Female Quotes)
Pain? He could handle that, no problem; it was the idea that the female he loved was suffering that made him want to either punch something or vomit in the corner (Female Quotes)
Women have a thirst for order and beauty as for something physical; there is a strange female power of hating ugliness and waste as good men can only hate sin and bad men virtue (Female Quotes)
If a female ferret goes into heat and doesn’t mate she will die. Why isn’t Tinder loading? (Female Quotes)