Female Quotes

Text Quotes
The real Jack Johnson was both more and less than those who loved or those who hated him ever knew. He embodied American individualism in its purest form; nothing - no law or custom, no person white or black, male or female - could keep him for long from whatever he wanted. (Female Quotes)
My generation of young female writers discovered that we could dictate the form and content of our own fiction. (Female Quotes)
I’ve never thought of myself as a female engineer or founder or a woman in tech. I just think of myself as someone who’s passionate. (Female Quotes)
I think the issue of female friendship really resonates well with women, ... So many women have a friend like Darcy or can relate to the feeling of being second-fiddle to a friend. (Female Quotes)
I thought we had reached an understanding, the institution of marriage and I. Weddings are like the triathalon of female friendship: the Shower, the Bachelorette Party, and the Main Event. It’s the Iron Woman and most people never make it through. They fall of their bikes and choke on ocean water. (Female Quotes)
The simplest and most basic meaning of the symbol of the Goddess is the acknowledgment of the legitimacy of female power as a beneficent and independent power. (Female Quotes)
The capacity of the female mind for studies of the highest order cannot be doubted, having been sufficiently illustrated by its works of genius, of erudition, and of science. (Female Quotes)
I think there’s something very lovely and hilarious about exploring the particular neuroses of the female mind. It’s just not the same thing with men. I mean, there are exceptions, but for the most part, women beat themselves up in their heads more. They overanalyze stuff far more than men do. (Female Quotes)
I wouldn’t mind being the female MJ. I want to have major crossover appeal. (Female Quotes)
Barbara Castle should have been Labour’s - and Britain’s - first female prime minister. What a role model she would have been: passionate, fiery, and absolutely committed to social justice. (Female Quotes)
Well, I think women across Australia, particularly, are a bit fed up with this constant attack and belittling of women in politics, and particularly the role of a female as a prime minister. (Female Quotes)
I did go through this period where girls would be mean and I had a lot of guy friends. But I’ve found as an adult the importance of having female and male friends. (Female Quotes)
My husband’s a man’s man, and he does guy films, and there’s rarely any female parts in them, period, but we have some projects that are for me that we hope to do in the near future. (Female Quotes)
If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s the cliche of the female handler who’s always talking through the radio with your player, telling you where to go and what to do with a sexy voice. It’s such a horrible, horrible cliche. You just get so tired of it. It’s like, is this all she’s ever going to be? (Female Quotes)
The Labour party has done more than any other to address gender inequalities, through legislation and other means, and to increase women’s representation in politics, which has led to recent increases in the number of female politicians. (Female Quotes)
Just as the slave master required the slaves to imitate the image he had of them, so women, who live in a relatively powerless position, politically and economically, feel obliged by a kind of implicit force to live up to culture’s image of what is female. (Female Quotes)
Women have a thirst for order and beauty as for something physical; there is a strange female power of hating ugliness and waste as good men can only hate sin and bad men virtue. (Female Quotes)
Women hold the power because we have the vaginas. If you’re in a heterosexual relationship and you’re a female, you win. (Female Quotes)
I hope and look forward to the day that there will be a female president of the United States (Female Quotes)
Anderson [Cooper]!Hillary Clinton is running as the first female president who has a sitting president and first lady much more popular than she will ever be. (Female Quotes)
Hillary [Clinton] doesn’t have a fascinating story to get behind. She doesn’t fascinating story to tell. The only thing about Hillary is, you know, first female president. (Female Quotes)
If you ask me, I’d like to become the first female president. That would be really cool. The first thing I would do is redecorate the White House, it doesn’t look very cozy. (Female Quotes)
You ask how I feel to be the first female president in southern Africa? It’s heavy for me. Heavy in the sense that I feel that I’m carrying this heavy load on behalf of all women. (Female Quotes)
Part of what we’ll have to figure out is what do you call the male spouse of a female president? Now, it’s a little bit more complicated with him because people still call former presidents Mr. President. (Female Quotes)
I think it depends on what agenda that female president brings. It’s not good if that female president brings an agenda which is actually hostile to the cause of living wages. Women need equal wages to men, but not equal wages at poverty. (Female Quotes)
My husband saw me go through the 2008 campaign cycle. We did it together for Sarah Palin and John McCain. It ended disastrously, and afterward I really wanted to do something different, so I started writing novels, and I imagined a fictional female president in my head. (Female Quotes)
There’s one logical generational difference and that is that young women will have more chances to support a female president than older women. Older women feel it’s their last chance, so that’s just a factual, obvious difference. But other than that it depends on experience, on individual experience. (Female Quotes)
I think boys don’t always like to read books with female protagonist - I don’t even know what to say about this. (Female Quotes)
We chicks have munched our popcorn while romantic comedies became just comedies, and then each female protagonist got recast for Mathew McConaughey or Seth Rogan. (Female Quotes)
We ‘chicks’ have munched our popcorn while romantic comedies became just comedies, and then each female protagonist got recast for Matthew McConaughey or Seth Rogan. (Female Quotes)