Field Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve always been clever enough to surround myself with the best in whatever field I’m working in... Good people make you look good (Field Quotes)
On every team, there is a core group that sets the tone for everyone else. If the tone is positive, you have half the battle won. If it is negative, you are beaten before you ever walk on the field (Field Quotes)
When blocked or defeated in an enterprise I had much at heart, I always turned immediately to another field of work where progress looked possible, biding my time for a chance to resume the obstructed road (Field Quotes)
Some white people are so accustomed to operating at a competitive advantage that when the playing field is level, they feel handicapped (Field Quotes)
We live at the threshold of a universal recognition that the human being is not mere matter, but a potent, energetic field of consciousness. Modalities of the past millennium are quickly giving way to breakthrough technologies wherein we heal ourselves at the level of all true healing, which is spirit (Field Quotes)
Boundaries which mark off one field of science from another are purely artificial, are set up only for temporary convenience. Let chemists and physicists dig deep enough, and they reach common ground (Field Quotes)
Do you live in a mine field or a garden? When we live in a minefield mentality, we explode with the weeds of worry, doubt, fear, lack and limitation. Choose to cultivate your inner garden! (Field Quotes)
Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. Glow with gratitude and see how awe and joy will make their home in you (Field Quotes)
Unfortunately, in the field of evolution most explanations are not good. As a matter of fact, they hardly qualify as explanations at all; they are suggestions, hunches, pipe dreams, hardly worthy of being called hypotheses (Field Quotes)
Gratitude places you in the energy field of plentitude. Perceiving life in a consciousness of gratitude is literally stepping into another dimension of living. Suddenly the seeming ordinariness of your days takes on a divine sparkle (Field Quotes)
Out in the field I try not to hold expectations. I try to achieve an openness. The senses heighten so that I am totally immersed in what’s happening at the moment. I want to be receptive to an image coming together (Field Quotes)
Turn over the pages of history and read the damning record of the church’s opposition to every advance in every field of science (Field Quotes)
Baseball is a team game but, at the same time, it’s a very lonely game: unlike in soccer or basketball, where players roam around, in baseball everyone has their little plot of the field to tend. When the action comes to you, the spotlight is on you but no one can help you (Field Quotes)
Just as women supplement men in private life, so they will supplement men in public life by concentrating their organized efforts on those objects which men are likely to ignore. There is a tremendous field for women as active protagonists of new ideas and new methods of political and social housekeeping. When organized and conscious of their power to influence their surroundings, women can use their newly acquired freedom in a great many ways to mold the world into a better place to live in (Field Quotes)
Individuals who break through by inventing a new paradigm are almost always either very young men or very new to the field whose paradigm they change. These are the men who, being little committed by prior practice to the traditional rules of normal science, are particularly likely to see that those rules no longer define a playable game and conceive another set that can replace them (Field Quotes)
Creativity comes from applying things you learn in other fields to the field you work in (Field Quotes)
I have my fears. Yet, notwithstanding the complicated difficulties that rise before us, there is no receding; and I should blush if in any instance the weak passions of my sex should damp the fortitude, the patriotism, and the manly resolution of yours. May nothing ever check that glorious spirit of freedom which inspires the patriot in the cabinet, and the hero in the field, with courage to maintain their righteous cause, and to endeavor to transmit the claim to posterity, even if they must seal the rich conveyance to their children with their own blood (Field Quotes)
I cannot but regard the ether, which can be the seat of an electromagnetic field with its energy and its vibrations, as endowed with a certain degree of substantiality, however different it may be from all ordinary matter (Field Quotes)
For us the mountains had been a natural field of activity where, playing on the frontiers of life and death, we had found the freedom for which we were blindly groping and which was as necessary to us as bread (Field Quotes)
Of course, I was a head coach at high school for 15 years, so as far as on the field stuff it’s the same but for college football it’s off the field experience you got to get used to. It was a great learning experience for me, I learned a lot and I feel very prepared coming in here (Field Quotes)
Beauty is more important in computing than anywhere else in technology because software is so complicated. Beauty is the ultimate defense against complexity... The geniuses of the computer field, on the the other hand, are the people with the keenest aesthetic senses, the ones who are capable of creating beauty. Beauty is decisive at every level: the most important interfaces, the most important programming languages, the winning algorithms are the beautiful ones (Field Quotes)
Baseball is the only sport that lets the managers and coaches go out onto the field and rant and rave (Field Quotes)
When I started working on women’s history about thirty years ago, the field did not exist. People didn’t think that women had a history worth knowing (Field Quotes)
With the mindset that I give everything I’ve got for the man that’s next to me, not me, cause I know what I got while I’m by myself, but when I step on the field, when I step on the turf, what am I willing to sacrifice? (Field Quotes)
I don’t care who scores the goals, I’m going to leave my human beingness on the field! (Field Quotes)
No I or individual is better than the team. I’ve scored no goals just on my own. Every goal I’ve ever scored has been because of someone else on my team, their excellence, their bravery. And I’m kind of the end product of a collection of a really good vibe, and feeling, and creativity on the field (Field Quotes)
That taught me how to work harder. I learned all about mental toughness on the practice field. If things weren’t working out for me in high school, in college, early in my pro career, my solution was always to work harder and internalize. That way, whenever I got an opportunity, I was always prepared. See, there are a lot of guys who are all talk. They say they want to work harder and be the best, but they never pay the price. I love paying the price (Field Quotes)
It was good to be out there again. Actually I told my wife the same thing: Itll be fun to go out in a stadium on a field competing. Even though it was just a scrimmage (Field Quotes)
I’m a teammate guy, so whatever I can do to help my team to win like I have the past two years, that’s what I want to do. If it takes for me to play first base, third base, right field, I just want to win the game (Field Quotes)
Urban public space is a stage for viewing the field of graphic design in its diversity. A mix of voices, from advertising to activism, compete for visibility (Field Quotes)