Fight Quotes

Text Quotes
As far as I know, we have never before decided to fight a war with borrowed money and ask generations that come after us to pay for it (Fight Quotes)
There is no other way to beat a terrorist. You must fight like him, or he will surely kill you (Fight Quotes)
I died upon that mountain. There is no question. A part of me will forever be upon that mountain. Dead. That’s my brothers died. If there’s a part of me that live, because of my brothers. Because of them I am still alive, and I can never forget, that no matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall. You are never out of the fight (Fight Quotes)
There’s a storm inside of us, a burning river, a drive. You push yourself further than anyone could think possible. You are never out of the fight (Fight Quotes)
Music and the arts feed our souls, but a decent wage puts food on the table. Musicians, fans of music, and grassroots political organizations are a potent force to fight for social justice (Fight Quotes)
The problems of this world are so gigantic that some are paralysed by their own uncertainty. Courage and wisdom are needed to reach out above this sense of helplessness. Desire for vengeance against deeds of hatred offers no solution. An eye for an eye makes the world blind. If we wish to choose the other path, we will have to search for ways to break the spiral of animosity. To fight evil one must also recognize one’s own responsibility. The values for which we stand must be expressed in the way we think of, and how we deal with, our fellow humans (Fight Quotes)
The prisoners still keep killing each other thay hung six yesterday thay fight all most every night in the stockade (Fight Quotes)
Inside of me there are two dogs. One is mean and evil and the other is good and they fight each other all the time. When asked which one wins I answer, the one I feed the most (Fight Quotes)
People who, as children, were intellectually far beyond their parents and therefore admired by them, but who also therefore had to solve their own problems alone. These people, who give us a feeling of their intellectual strength and will power, also seem to demand that we, too, ought to fight off any feeling of weakness with intellectual means. In their presence one feels one cannot be recognized as a person with problems just as they and their problems were unrecognized by their parents, for whom he always had to be strong (Fight Quotes)
When you believe in something, fight for it. And when you see injustice, fight harder than you’ve ever fought before (Fight Quotes)
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything. In a gun fight... You need to take your time in a hurry (Fight Quotes)
Will you be remembered, how would you be remembered, why wouldn’t you fight for the greatest achievement ever? (Fight Quotes)
I fight for the man next to me. It don’t matter about me, what matters about me is sacrificing for you; for the ultimate goal which is us (Fight Quotes)
Plot, or evolution, is life responding to environment; and not only is this response always in terms of conflict, but the really great struggle, the epic struggle of creation, is the inner fight of the individual whereby the soul builds up character (Fight Quotes)
The most important thing in fighting was shooting, next the various tactics in coming into a fight and last of all flying ability itself (Fight Quotes)
In nearly all cases where machines have been downed, it was during a fight which had been very short, and the successful burst of fire had occurred within the space of a minute after the beginning of actual hostilities (Fight Quotes)
All my life I had lived on the presumption that there was no existence beyond... flesh, the moment of being alive... then nothing. I had searched in superstition... But there was nothing. Then I heard the sound of my own life leaving me. It was so... tender. I regretted that I had paid it no attention. Then I believed in the wisdom of what other men had found before me... I saw that those simple things might be true... I never wanted to believe in them because it was better to fight my own battle. You can believe in something without compromising the burden of your own existence (Fight Quotes)
When your back is against the wall, there is only one thing to do, and that is turn around and fight (Fight Quotes)
The way I see it, when you put the uniform on, in effect you sign a contract. And you don’t back out of a contract merely because you’ve changed your mind. You can still speak up for your principles, you can still argue against the ones you’re being made to fight for, but in the end you do the job (Fight Quotes)
It will take a massive effort to move society from corporate domination, in which industry’s rights to pollute and damage health and the environment supersede the public’s right to live, work, and play in safety. This is a political fight. The science is already there, showing that people’s health is at risk. To win, we will need to keep building the movement, networking with one another, planning, strategizing, and moving forward. Our children’s futures, and those of their unborn children, are at stake (Fight Quotes)
Anything that you fight with or struggle against grows larger. You give power to lower energies by focusing upon them. You don’t eliminate darkness by arguing with it. The only way to eliminate darkness is to turn on a light (Fight Quotes)
Even at the height of my fame, 50 per cent of the people who saw me wanted a fight; it’s the downside of being a star player (Fight Quotes)
I must fight with all my strength so that the little positive things that my health allows me to do might be pointed toward helping the revolution. The only real reason for living (Fight Quotes)
We’ve learned that it will take more than one generation to bring about change. The fight for civil rights has developed into a broader concern for human rights, and that encompasses a great many people and countries. Those of us who live in a democracy have a responsibility to be the voice for those whose voices are stilled (Fight Quotes)
I have learned that when you’re in the right you should fight the world (Fight Quotes)
If there is one thing that all players have in common it is that winning, competitive gene; the ability to overcome obstacles and fight for what you want from your career (Fight Quotes)
If we didn’t have strong feelings, how could we love or fight? When our flesh is cut, we bleed. When our heart is broken, we cry. There’s nothing wrong with that. It only becomes a problem when it gets in the way of what you have to do. You can’t crumble when others are counting on you (Fight Quotes)
Your mind is software. Program it. Your body is a shell. Change it. Death is a disease. Cure it. Extinction is approaching. Fight it (Fight Quotes)
Love and build, love and work, love and fight. Always love first. Anything placed before love will fail (Fight Quotes)
In a fight between a strong technique and a strong body, technique will prevail. In a fight between a strong mind and a strong technique, mind will prevail, because it will find the weak point (Fight Quotes)