Fight Quotes

Text Quotes
You win a fight, you learn from it. You lose a fight, you learn from it (Fight Quotes)
The warrior instinct comes in, the heart, determination, the will to win. Even though you’re rocked you still have to fight hard, to come back (Fight Quotes)
I don’t feel negative emotions. I feel calm, composed and ready. And as it goes on I get better at it. By the time the fight is on, I don’t feel any emotions at all (Fight Quotes)
People can’t measure the amount of heart you have and how much you’re willing to fight for something (Fight Quotes)
I don’t need to be in a comfortable spot to achieve greatness. I fight for it no matter what (Fight Quotes)
Get hurt in a fight... got to keep going... Heart and mind, they kind of go hand in hand (Fight Quotes)
You’re nervous because you’re afraid of the outcome. Accept the worst outcome... You’ll be free and fight like you’re able to (Fight Quotes)
Before a fight I empty my mind. Every fighter is able to lose. It is not a big thing. You have to accept what comes and remain calm (Fight Quotes)
When you’re angry, you can’t fight rationally. Your body chemistry is all messed up. Your energy goes to all the wrong places. You can’t do anything well except get angrier. That’s why I like fighting guys who are pumped up on steroids. Fighting is all about relaxing and releasing tension, so your body is flexible and fluid, able to bend and flex quickly, like water. I like fighting angry guys who are really tense. They can’t think right, and they can’t fight right (Fight Quotes)
All these feelings that you get before you fight or when you’re fighting or training for a fight, it makes me feel alive, and I love that feeling (Fight Quotes)
Just because you lose doesn’t make you a loser. It’s not the same fight every time (Fight Quotes)
My opponent is my teacher and I am his teacher. I have to show him what he’s doing wrong and I have to learn from what he’s teaching me. You can’t think of him as an enemy, it’s the wrong mindset, you don’t fight with anger or hate, you’re always going to lose that way (Fight Quotes)
Before a fight I’m always afraid... before I used to have a hard time just dealing with it because I would try to run away from it, but then as I competed more I understood the fact that this is how I’m supposed to feel (Fight Quotes)
To shoot a decent fight, you need to cover all the different angles, and it ends up eating a lot of days (Fight Quotes)
What you do in a fight gym is learn how to be brave. You’re learning how to punch and kick in a proper way, of course, but above all else, a fighter is someone who’s got courage, who’s dead game in a fight. Most guys don’t come into the world that way. You learn to be brave through that process of getting your fear and timidity beaten out of you night after night after night (Fight Quotes)
It’s an empirical question whether training makes one more or less likely to get in a fight outside the gym. In some ways, I’m probably more likely to get into a fight, because I feel more competent, and I know what it’s cost me in the past to back down from fights, and I don’t want to feel that way (Fight Quotes)
The top fighters spar hard. They’re really sparring for two reasons: One is to improve their technique, but the other, which is just as important, is to build endurance, toughness, and courage. They want to practice as realistically as possible so that when they go into a real fight, the transition isn’t as jarring (Fight Quotes)
If you understand your character and feel like it’s a collaborative process, you’re more inclined to dive into the deep end and fight for your character and feel passionate about your character, and that passion comes across on screen (Fight Quotes)
I would hope to think my fans are full of attitude, are a bit vicious, and always fight for what they want. That’s exactly what I’m going to give them (Fight Quotes)
Kill myself? Killing myself is the last thing I’d ever do. Now I have a purpose, a reason to live. I don’t care who I have to face, I don’t care who I have to fight, I will not rest until this street gets a stop sign! (Fight Quotes)
It is only by going through a volume of work that... your work will be as good as your ambitions. And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met. It’s gonna take awhile. It’s normal to take awhile. You’ve just gotta fight your way through (Fight Quotes)
To think big is to love the universe, to embrace our passion. To love is to fight for what we love. What a waste not to, when we have only this one life to live (Fight Quotes)
Violence against women isn’t cultural, it’s criminal. Equality cannot come eventually, it’s something we must fight for now (Fight Quotes)
The matter of the abuse and cruelty we inflict on other animals has to fight for our attention in what sometimes seems an already overfull moral agenda. It is vital, however, that these instances of injustice not be overlooked (Fight Quotes)
However small we are, we should always fight for what we believe to be right. And I don’t mean fight with the power of our fists or the power of our swords…I mean the power of our brains and our thoughts and our dreams. And as small and quiet and unimportant as our fighting may look, perhaps we might all work together…and break out of the prisons of our own making. Perhaps we might be able to keep this fierce and beautiful world of ours as free for all of us as it seemed to be on that blue afternoon of my childhood (Fight Quotes)
Many of us fight for and boast our freedom of what is ultimately the ability to prove ourselves to other people. It is unfortunate that only a few of us are so free in our joy, we no longer feel the need to prove ourselves to anyone (Fight Quotes)
Gay people do not fight for freedom to live in a lavender bubble, but in a more just society (Fight Quotes)
I will make an attempt to attain freedom, the youthful soul says to itself; and is it to be hindered in this by the fact that two nations happen to hate and fight one another, or that two continents are separated by an ocean, or that all around it a religion is taught with did not yet exist a couple of thousand years ago. All that is not you, it says to itself. No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone (Fight Quotes)
Our courage is greater to dare a visible than an imagined danger. A visible danger rouses our energies to meet or avert it; a fancied peril appalls from its presenting nothing to be resisted. Thus, a panic is, usually, a sudden going over to the enemy of our imagination. All is then lost, for we have not only to fight against that enemy, but our imagination as well (Fight Quotes)
Marriage is a fight to the death, before which the wedded couple ask a blessing from heaven, because it is the rashest of all undertakings to swear eternal love; the fight at once commences and victory, that is to say liberty, remains in the hands of the cleverer of the two (Fight Quotes)